A Little Appreciation Goes A Long Way.
Dr. John Loblack
Helping small to medium size nonprofits with strategic planning process.
While it takes longer to master, the "softer" side of leadership adds more impact to your effectiveness as a leader than the "harder" side.
And often, it's the "softer" side than leads to your quick demise.
If you don't believe me, reflect on all the leaders, formally and informal you have worked with in your career. When you do, choose your favorite and least favorite among them. I promise you, your choices have little to do with their cognitive abilities or their technical skills. Your choices were influenced by how they made you feel, how they treated you as a person.
Yes, what the late Maya Angelou said was true, "People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel."
The same holds true for you as a leader. If you work on mastering the "softer" side of leadership, the side that helps you see your employees as people, not machines, they would be running to you, not away from you.
Start today! Remember, "The things (people) we appreciate, appreciate," John C. Maxwell.
A little appreciation goes a long way.