Litigation Funding
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Imagine you and a friend are playing a game, and your friend accidentally breaks something valuable, like a toy or a vase. In some situations, if your friend doesn't have enough money to pay for the broken item, their parents or someone else might step in and help them pay for it. That's similar to what litigation funding is; but in a different context.
In the grown-up world, sometimes people get involved in legal disputes, like going to court or fighting over something they believe is right or wrong. These legal cases can be expensive because they involve hiring lawyers, gathering evidence, and going through a lengthy process.
In some situations, people might not have enough money to pay for these legal expenses. That's where litigation funding comes in. It's like having someone, called a litigation funder, who provides money to help the person involved in the legal case. This money can be used to hire lawyers, pay for investigations, or cover other expenses related to the legal dispute.
The litigation funder expects to get the money back if the person wins the case. They might also get a portion of the money the person wins as a reward for taking the risk and providing the funds. So, it's a way for people to get financial support during legal battles, but they might need to share some of the money they win as a result.
Overall, litigation funding helps people who might not have enough money to pay for legal expenses, so they can have a fair chance to fight for what they believe is right.