Lithuania's electricity transmission network after synchronisation: projects and plans
Although most of Litgrid’s employees are engaged in the megaproject to synchronise with the continental European grid, the company’s activities are broader and more diverse. The Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator not only ensures the reliable operation of Lithuania’s electricity system daily, but also plans the country’s and the region’s electricity development for the next ten years and beyond.
As the moment of synchronisation approaches, Ramunas Bikulcius , Litgrid’s Head of Strategy and Research, discusses Litgrid’s further plans for strengthening energy independence and building a sustainable future for Lithuania.
What is the purpose of the 10-year plan for the development of Lithuania's electricity transmission networks?
The development of electricity transmission networks is a long and multidisciplinary process. When preparing a 10-year transmission network development plan, we assess the current state of the electricity system and anticipate potential electricity and power needs and changes. We also plan for the possibilities of ensuring system adequacy in the long term. This helps us to better anticipate and propose directions for the development of the transmission grid infrastructure, the scope for recovery, and the indicative investments needed for grid development.
How will the electricity sector in Lithuania and the region change?
Lithuania has already embarked on a sustainable energy future, with solar and wind farms being developed on land, preparations for offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea, and plans for green hydrogen and other strategic energy projects. By 2030, Lithuania should not only produce electricity for domestic use but also create the conditions for the development of a hydrogen industry and the export of surplus energy.
Achieving these goals requires a transformation of the entire energy sector by shifting from traditional fossil fuels to sustainable renewable energy. This transformation includes not only the traditional electricity generation and consumption sector but also cross-sectoral integration, such as decarbonising industry, the thermal sector, and all forms of land and sea transport.
The National Energy Independence Strategy aims to replace all greenhouse gas-emitting primary energy with sustainable renewable energy by 2050. This will require around seven times more electricity than we currently use. The electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure will need to transport this significant increase while ensuring the system’s reliability and stability.
What are the main and strategic activities of Litgrid after synchronisation?
In today’s geopolitical context, we are increasingly focusing on improving the security and resilience of the system, as well as ensuring the flexibility needed for system stability. The rapid development of the electricity transmission system relies on the integration of large-scale renewable generation sources, including offshore wind, and flexible electricity consumption.
Regardless of the energy transformation taking place in the region, the reliability of the electricity system remains Litgrid’s primary task. Maintaining and developing the transmission network is therefore an important part of the development plan. It is designed to meet the needs of consumers and generators throughout the transformation period, while also ensuring the conditions for cross-sector integration and decarbonisation.
What are the biggest network development projects in the next decade?
The Harmony Link overland connection with Poland, which is crucial for the country, is planned to be implemented soon. It will ensure the reliability of the Baltic power system within the synchronous zone of continental Europe and increase the integration of the electricity market by providing 700 MW of interconnection capacity for trading between the Lithuanian and Polish trading zones.
The construction of the new 330 kV transmission lines Darb?nai-Varduva-Mū?a and Panev??ys-Mū?a will enhance the integrity of the eastern and western parts of the Lithuanian electricity system and provide the electricity market with additional bandwidth between the Latvian and Lithuanian trading areas. The project will also increase the potential to integrate offshore wind capacity in the Baltic Sea, as outlined in the National Energy Independence Strategy, into the onshore transmission network and improve the connectivity of onshore renewable energy sources.
In collaboration with the Latvian electricity transmission system operator, we are exploring the need and possibilities to increase the Lithuania-Latvia interconnection capacity after 2035. This would ensure even more capacity between the two countries’ trading zones and greater integration of renewable electricity in the Baltic region. The project will soon be discussed in the context of the European TSOs’ 10-year network development plan (TYNDP 2024). A benefit analysis of the project will determine whether it is worth implementing on a European scale.
We are also exploring the need and feasibility of connectivity between the Baltic and German electricity trading zones via offshore interconnectors after 2040 with German, Latvian, and Estonian operators. These interconnections would ensure the exploitation of the Baltic Sea’s wind potential, efficient integration, and the reliability and adequacy of the Baltic electricity system in meeting decarbonisation goals.
What are the biggest changes you foresee in other areas of electricity, outside of grid development?
Major changes are expected in electricity generation. Flexible and controllable conventional generation is being replaced by weather-dependent and variable renewable generation, which must also adapt to the needs of other users of the electricity system.
In the future, significant requirements for system flexibility are anticipated. This flexibility will be ensured by weather-independent electricity sources, storage devices (batteries), the integration of flexible electricity consumption such as electrolysis equipment, analysis of flexible demand opportunities, and the provision of flexibility through Demand Side Response (DSR), including electrified transport, the heating sector, aggregated loads, and industrial enablement.