Lithium Batteries Are Not Equal
YouSolar, Inc.
YouSolar sells a high-power solar+battery nano-grid system that can be the primary power supply to a home or business.
All lithium batteries are not equal.
The YouSolar PowerBloc uses lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries. LFP batteries have about half the energy per mass, 150 Wh/kg, compared to nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) batteries, which have 300 Wh/kg. NMC batteries are therefore preferred in automotive and other mobile applications.?????
LFP batteries are ideal for residential storage.
The higher mass of LFP batteries is not a problem in residential storage applications. LFP has many advantages over NMC. LFP is the safest lithium battery with a?low likelihood of thermal runaway?that could result in a fire. It also has a much?longer useful life?than NMC. LFP can provide 3,000 to 10,000 cycles, while NMC batteries only last 1,000 to 2,300 cycles.
The battery stores 5.12 kWh and weighs 55 kg. The energy density of the cells is about 150 Wh/kg. Brackets to hold the cells, wiring, chassis, and control electronics reduce the energy density to 93 Wh/kg. A good figure of merit for the energy density of LFP packs is 100 Wh/kg.
LFP is the most environmental electric battery.
LFP batteries?do not contain Rare Earth Metals?such as cobalt, nickel, and manganese found in NMC automotive batteries. Any resource extraction, whether oil drilling or metal mining, alters geology and destroys natural habitats. Specifically, lithium mining uses large amounts of water. It is for that reason that we must recycle lithium and other materials in batteries. Today, LFP batteries are the most long-lasting and efficient batteries and, thus, the most environmental.?
Electric batteries are indispensable in combating climate change.
Batteries are indispensable for using more renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gasses. Unlike fossil fuels, which get burned and dispersed into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, the overwhelming amount of lithium batteries is found in large packs for automotive and stationary power. It is, therefore, practical to recover these batteries and extract lithium and other metals for a circular battery economy.
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