One of the credos I life by is…
How Do I Elevate the Standards of Who I Was Yesterday?
Growing up a great motivator for me was athletics. When I was training for anything, I always had an invisible competitor that I was going to meet one day. Whether dating back to little league sports, high school wrestling or college football I knew one day I was going to face someone bigger, faster, and stronger. My only saving grace was to hope that I outworked them.
My college football coach asked the team this question, “Who in here was working hard enough last January to win today?”
The reality is as you get older you lose that outside competitor. If we don’t shift to another competitor, we get fat, lazy and slow. This happens physical, but it also happens mentally.
When you’re in school you’re faced with many mental challenges. You are faced to whether to do your work or not do your work and suffer the consequences. You’re faced with tests, mid-terms and finals. This provided an external competition. Certainly, you had the choice whether to compete or not.
Fast forward to being an adult all the competition is gone. You can turn into a weekend warrior to invigorate that competitiveness, but other than making you feel good it doesn’t advance you in any way.
At work it isn’t all that great of an idea to compete with your coworkers. In the corporate world most academic tests are gone.
Certainly, if you’re in sales you can find that day in day out competition, but there too the competition has shifted.
The only competition you have every day is the man/woman in the mirror. Do you want to train like you did in high school athletics? Do you want to study like you did in high school or college? Do you want to elevate your game on a daily basis?
Without the external competition most lose their edge.
You need to find it!
How do you get better every day? How do you increase your skills, improve your body and increase your paycheck?
One way…
How Do You Elevate Your Standards of Who You Were Yesterday?
It’s truly the only battle, the only competition, the only test you face every day!