Listing statistical tests
There is a substantial amount of statistical chunk regarding statistical tests. More than 350+ statistical tests are available. The multitude of statistical tests makes a researcher difficult to remember which statistical test to use in which condition.?Each has there own uniqueness and properties.
Doesn’t matter how your data is (i. e continuous, dichotomous or categorical, ratio, longitudinal, etc) whatever type of comparison ( i.e mean, median, linearity, correlation, normality …) as long as you can formulate a relevant hypothesis on good terms, there are a bunch of suitable statistical tests available.
I am able to collect around 115+?statistical tests. ( Feel free to add more)
·????????ABX test
·????????Analysis of similarities
·????????Analysis of variance
·????????Anderson–Darling test
·????????Anscombe's Test
·????????Anscombe-Glynn Test
·????????Bartlett's test
·????????Binomial test
·????????Box's M test?
·????????Breusch–Godfrey test
·????????Breusch–Pagan test
·????????Brown–Forsythe test
·????????Chauvenet's criterion
·????????Checking whether a coin is fair
·????????Closed testing procedure
·????????Cochran's C test
·????????Cochran's Q test
·????????Correlation test
·????????Continuity correction
·????????Cramér–von Mises criterion
·????????Cuzick–Edwards test
·????????Dixon's Q test
·????????Duncan's new multiple range test
·????????Dunnett's test
·????????Durbin test
·????????Exact test
·????????F-test of equality of variances
·????????False positive rate
·????????Fay and Wu's H
·????????Fisher's method
·????????Friedman test
·????????Goodman and Kruskal's gamma
·????????Glejser test
·????????Goldfeld–Quandt test
·????????GRIM test
·????????Grubbs's test
·????????Hartley's test
·????????Hoeffding's independence test
·????????Holm–Bonferroni method
·????????Hosmer–Lemeshow test
·????????Hotelling′s T-square
·????????Information matrix test
·????????Item-total correlation
·????????Jonckheere's trend test
·????????Kaiser Meyer Olkin test
·????????Kendall rank correlation coefficient
·????????Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
·????????Kuiper's test
·????????Lepage test
·????????Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test?
·????????Levene's test
·????????Lexis ratio
·????????Likelihood-ratio test
·????????Wilks' theorem
·????????Location test
·????????Logrank test
·????????Mardia's test.
·????????Mann–Whitney U test
·????????Mantel test
·????????Mauchly's sphericity test
·????????McNemar's test
·????????Median test
·????????Multinomial test
·????????Nemenyi test
·????????Neyman–Pearson lemma
·????????Normality test
·????????Omnibus test
·????????One- and two-tailed tests
·????????One-way analysis of variance
·????????Page's trend test
·????????Paired data
·????????Park test
·????????Permutation test
·????????Phillips–Perron test
·????????QST (genetics)
·????????Ramsey RESET test
·????????Randomness test
·????????Rao score test
·????????Sargan–Hansen test
·????????Scheirer–Ray–Hare test
·????????Score test
·????????Separation test
·????????Sequential probability ratio test
·????????Shapiro–Francia test
·????????Shapiro–Wilk test
·????????Siegel–Tukey test
·????????Sign test
·????????Sobel test
·????????Squared ranks test
·????????Structural break test
·????????Student's t-test
·????????Surrogate data testing
·????????Tajima's D
·????????Test statistic
·????????Tukey–Duckworth test
·????????Tukey's range test
·????????Tukey's test of additivity
·????????Van der Waerden test
·????????Vuong's closeness test
·????????Wald test
·????????Wald–Wolfowitz runs test
·????????Welch's t-test
·????????White test
·????????Wilcoxon signed-rank test
·????????Durbin–Wu–Hausman test
#Physicist #DataEvangelist #Author #Asperger #Rationalist
3 年Nice work! I'm also building with the help of Adrian Olszewski a Mind Map of the 409 statistical tests we have collected these last 20 years. The Mind Map should be released next year. Stay tuned ;-)
3 年Thanks for posting
Data Science Decadenarian
3 年Blasphemy! Where are the 'deep learning tests?' Or 'AI tests?' :P
Co-Founder & CEO at Aryma Labs | Building Marketing ROI Solutions For a Privacy First Era | Statistician |
3 年I think the essence is not to just 'Know' but to 'Understand'.
Clinical Trials Biostatistician at 2KMM (100% R-based CRO) ? Frequentist (non-Bayesian) paradigm ? NOT a Data Scientist (no ML/AI/Big data) ? Against anti-car/-meat/-cash and C40 restrictions
3 年Shreyas Deshmukh I know about 80 (including 25+ of normality), use about 50+ at work, including my favourites like Yuen, Tryon's, ATS, WTS, ART, Brunner-Munzel, van der Waerden. But I know there are about 850+ (I don't count regression models, which aren't tests). ?? Vincent ISOZ collected all most them, I humbly added maybe 20 rare ones. We still find new ones. BTW, ANOVA is much more than a test actually - it's a assumption-less and model-based procedure of the assessment of the residual variance (or deviance in GLM). It can employ the F, Chi (LRT), Wald's, Pillai, Wilks, Hotelling-Lawley, Roy and more. ANOVA is run over a model, e.g. mixed-effect quantile regression, and gives us the main and interaction effects. The classic, text-book one is run over the general linear model with categorical covariates, so all the assumptions and limitations come from it. BTW, there's an error on the screenshot - Mann-Whitney (Wilcoxon) is NOT about medians(!). It's about pseudomedians, which *approach* median IF and only IF the sample distribution gets symmetric and have equal dispersions. It's easy to have equal medians and the test rejects H0. Please check my collection of sources about that: