Listing of shares in the International Quotation System (Sistema Internacional de Cotizaciones) - Part II

Listing of shares in the International Quotation System (Sistema Internacional de Cotizaciones) - Part II

In terms of the provisions of the SIC Operative Manual, the Sponsoring Financial Entity that carries out the aforementioned application procedure must follow the following procedure:

A. Submit the listing request in the corresponding format together with the information required in it (See Annexes "E" and "F" of the Manual).

B. In the event that the request does not prove compliance with all the required requirements, the BMV will inform the Sponsoring Financial Entity, which must comply with the missing requirements within thirty business days counted from the date on that the BMV requires such information.

C. Once all the required information is available, the BMV will entrust the preparation of a technical study on the securities that are the subject of the application.

From this moment, the area responsible for the preparation of the technical study will have ten working days to send the result of the mentioned study.

D. If, during the elaboration of the technical study, the responsible area considers it necessary to request additional information, it will inform the Sponsoring Financial Entity. In such case, the term to issue the resolution may be extended depending on the time required by said entity to provide the information.

E. The BMV will issue a resolution on the listing request within a period of no more than three business days, and notify the CNBV, S.D. Indeval, S.A. of C.V., Institute for the Deposit of Securities and the Sponsoring Financial Entity, the resolution adopted within a period no longer than three business days counted from the date on which said resolution was given.

In case the resolution is favorable, the Sponsor Financial Entity will have a period of twenty working days to request the registration of the securities in the system. Otherwise, the Sponsoring Financial Entity may object to the CNBV and the BMV itself.


Luis Gerardo Ramírez Villela的更多文章
