Like other abilities, listening to others is a very beneficial one to pick up and hone. The majority of people are either speakers or poor listeners, therefore they lack this ability. The paradox is that we must first improve as listeners in order to talk well. Others feel more comfortable opening up and speaking from the heart when you listen to them. Most of the time, we either give a remedy or we start passing judgement, neither of which is necessary.
A very useful talent is listening, which enables us to comprehend the objectives of others and provides us with the proper framework for approaching the conversation from the appropriate angle. We become quite exact when listening without being misinterpreted. Additionally, it gives us the practice in attention needed to perceive and respond to the emotions of others.
Therefore, in order to become a competent speaker, we must first improve our listening skills because most people lack this ability without even realizing it. While awareness is a benefit, innocence is not a pleasure. In order to witness the positive impacts in all spheres of life, we must become conscious of the competence we are lacking.