Association for Supply Chain Management Northern Colorado and Wichita
Administrator at ASCM Northern Colorado and Wichita
Tuning In
Listening as a coach means tuning in completely to what the other person is saying. A skill which doesn’t come easily to us humans.
The average human is deeply distracted by other thoughts. We are programed to listen on the most basic level – what does this mean for me? Focusing on what it means to the person who is talking is essential if, for example, you want to be a productive contributor in meetings at work.
In coaching, listening extends beyond receiving information to a deeper awareness of the signals the person is sending. How the coach’s responses are received by the other person, and utilize engaged responses to move the conversation forward.
Some people are naturally better listeners than others. Fortunately, listening is a skill which can be improved through practice.
Read more in the rest of the article, by Jenn Turvey, at: Listening.