Enrico Rimoldi
Senior Partner - Communication Director presso YOUR BUSINESS PARTNER s.r.l.
We are happy to share what happened yesterday at YBP, through the words of the protagonist.
Thank you, #brunoSoubies for your competence, openness and sincerity.
"I do not like conferences, I prefer dialogues!" It is with these words that Maria Rosaria launched the dialogue to which I had the joy and the immense privilege to participate last night in Milan.
And she is right!
A conference would have just allowed me to formally deliver information as a specialist. Instead, a dialogue is a reasoned and active word that penetrates and crosses completely and meticulously each participant.
After two hours of dialogue, of our stories crossing, I felt a moment of fullness to the point of forgetting my tiredness after my short night of the day before. At the end of the evening, there was no need to conclude a dialogue, exchanges continued naturally ... and we already knew each other!
Thank you to all of you, your stories have allowed me to perceive mine from another angle.
Finally, to animate a deep and sincere dialogue is a complex exercise, good job Maria Rosaria, you impressed me!"