Listen to your inner voice
I am sometimes completely amazed when I ask people what they want out of life??Most people say they do not know.?Or they say they want to be “Happy.”?I then ask, “What will make you Happy?”?Then they say, “I don’t know!”
Ask a kid what they want to be when they grow up, and they will give you an honest answer.?Ask an adult and most will give you an empty answer.?I say it is OK to be a kid again, to dream like a kid again.?Connect with your childhood dreams and then put them to action.?Help others reach their dreams and maybe just maybe if you are lucky, you will reach yours.
Everything you need is already inside of you.?Start making the choices you always wanted to make, today.?Step one, realize that no one is going to do it for you.?No one else can.?Nobody can tell you want you always wanted to be in life.?You have to be honest with yourself.
Step two, check step one again.?Nobody can do it for you.?Stop acting like someone is going to come along and help you reach your goals.?They will try to mold you to fit their goals.?Change yourself to reach your goals not to be used to help someone else reach their goals.
Step Three.?Admit that you were once a kid and you once had dreams.?Then they will come back to you.?Forget about worrying about your bills and what everyone else will think for a minute.?Go talk to a kid and do more listening than talking.?It is a shame I have to include this disclaimer… (Don’t be a creep, a dirtbag or have any motives… if that is your game, stay away from kids.)?Now to get back on track, help a kid reach their goals… at the very least laugh with them and tell them it is ok to dream big.?You may find yourself dreaming big again in no time.
Step Four.?Do your homework.?Study the facts, but don’t get so hung up you don’t do anything.?Do your homework and then put your homework to work.?Test out a few of your ideas in your spare time.?Find 15 minutes a day or a couple hours a week and do your thing.?Not someone else’s thing.
Step Five.?Sleep on it.?Don’t lose sleep over it… Sleep on it.?Then 1st thing in the morning, that 1st thought is the right thought.?Stop waiting for others to tell you what to do.?Learn to trust your inner voice.
Step Six.?Yes, you can.?Back to Step One.?No one is going to do it for you!!!
Need more advice?
Sharpening Your Intuition
1.??????Shhh. Listen. ...
2.??????Trust your gut feeling. ...
3.??????Feel. ...
4.??????Be ready to let bad feelings go. ...
5.??????Be deliberate about the people you hang on to. ...
6.??????Pay attention to what's going on around you. ...
7.??????Connect with others. ...
8.??????Find time to be silent and still.
“Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.” ~William S. Burroughs
How to Use Your Intuition
Steps for listening to your heart and gut when making decisions.