Listen to your heart!
Ruriko Ohara
Mentor, Executive Manager in Strategic Portfolio Management and M&A | Innovation | LATAM Regional Hub Lead at PMI PMOGA | Global Judging Committee PMOGA | Board Member HubMulher
Knowing how to find our middle way in challenging times, together with the power of choice, is a blessing.
However, by understanding your middle path, a mix of emotions may arise and flood your mind, as well as your thinking.?
WISDOM is your ability to define what is good, what is not good, and what is indifferent.
Eventually, there are days when we do things on autopilot, and somehow we do not recognize the signals surrounding us.
It's time to slow down, be deliberate and take that moment to recognize the signal from the noise, its pattern and pick up the proper, appropriate information from our noisy minds.
Understand that between these noises and autopilot action, there is a space, a void. Right in this specific spot, I use wisdom to gather knowledge, learn and meditate, be present to the present and let go of the rapid fire of actions - stop a little bit and smell the roses.?
Once you have taken that moment to pause, we can rethink and take the appropriate action that can be transformed into an outcome for you, others and the environment. Embody the moment.
Wisdom prevents us from making decisions on impulsive irrational thinking.
In other words, we need to understand the essential things in life or rationally grasp the value of things.
Rather than relying on your mind, listening to your heart means figuring out what you feel and going with what.
So, without further ado, listen to your heart!!!!!
About the authors: Ruriko Ohara and Kimberly Franklin