listen to your heart
Justin Castelli, RLP?, CFP?
aligning your finances with your authentic life, founder RLS Wealth, co-founder of The AGC? and founder of PRST?
Since today is Valentine’s Day, I thought it would be a great day to remind you to listen to your heart. In the alignment of spirit, mind, and body, your heart is your direct line to your spiritual Self and Higher Power.
If you can learn to listen and trust your heart’s guidance, your internal compass will help you navigate the path of your authentic life.
At first, it can be easy to miss your heart’s message because you’re too busy and distracted, lack the confidence to trust what you are feeling, or be afraid to follow it because it does not resemble the path you are currently on (and were sent down by other people). But, the more you act upon your heart’s guidance, the easier it becomes to trust and surrender to its lead.
I happened to read the passage for today in Journey To The Heart by Melodie Beattie (I don't read it every day, just when I feel called to it) and it spoke to our connection to our Higher Power through our heart:
"Then listen to your inner voice. Hear what it says and trust what you hear. Answers come in many ways, from many sources, many places. But if the answer is right for you, your heart will know, and it will feel true."
“Talk to the Universe. Ask it for help. Then listen to your heart. Because that quiet voice, the one in your heart, is how the universe talks to you.”
Celebrate the loves of your life today, but also take some time to see if you can connect with your own heart and see what it is telling you.
See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,