Listen to the right voice.
David Zuniga
Car Guy | Helping Dealerships Improve Customer Experience & Boost Sales/Service Revenue
"Listen to your own voice, your own soul. Too many people listen to the noise of the world, instead of themselves.”
Leon Brown
My mom said, my friend thinks, a co-worker recommended, this social media guru posted…“insert opinion”…so common to hear. As human beings, we are constantly in search of truth, help, guidance and reassurance. It is natural. BUT! Here’s a truth you may or may not want to hear. Take any topic that you’re thinking of taking on or feeling you are having or opinion you are seeking at this or any moment of your life and there will be someone out there to tell you how to handle it without having any experience or authority to give you that opinion! You want to open a business, but your buddy or dad who has never put a business together thinks that it’s a bad idea…you want to invest in yourself but your co-workers say you’ll be wasting your time and money. Have you lost your mind? The question you need to start asking yourself is, “why am I seeking validation from people who have no credibility or experience in the topic that I am coming to them for?” Trust yourself, your opinion, your gut. You are MOST qualified to direct yourself, believe that.
Of all the voices you hear, all the opinions you hear and all the advice you hear…where does your own voice rank when you consider what to do next? How about we try this, start to believe in yourself, your expertise and most importantly the voice you hear in your head and the feeling you have in your gut. You have gone through experiences of your own, you have a particular skill set and you have a strong feeling about what you should do. Listen to the right voice! And, that voice is your own. The only way that you are going to begin to do that is if, you start to trust yourself! You have got to believe that the person who has their best interest most at heart, is you and that you are more than qualified to give yourself the best advice possible. Think about this, of all the voices you will hear in your lifetime, the one you will hear most will be your own. Don’t you think it would be worth listening to? If you want a stronger mindset, you have to start to take the risks and invest in what you believe, who you are and what you bring to your own table. Know who you are and begin to trust yourself.
Day 14 of 30 days to a stronger mindset is all about this: I am going to start to listen to my own voice, opinion and advice knowing that I have put myself in a position to take charge of my life and have my best interest in mind. Nobody is better qualified to lead myself better than me but it starts with trusting myself. Have the mindset to be the person you turn to and depend on most when it comes to direction and advice.