Listen Carefully! Never Again Say, " Bere, I don't want theory. I want something practical" or "Ah! That is Too Theoretical" Or "Be Practical!"

Listen Carefully! Never Again Say, " Bere, I don't want theory. I want something practical" or "Ah! That is Too Theoretical" Or "Be Practical!"

Have you met some top executives, business and organisational “leaders”, top officials, chief executive officers, heads of department, managing, directors and top managers who feel that it makes you cool and practical if you attack theory, separate theory from practise, see yourself as some one who is practical and not theoretical? ?These people say things such as,

“Ah! Bere! I want practical solutions and not theory!” or

“Simon Bere, that is too theoretical! Give me something practical.” Or

“I am a practical person, not a theory person.”

Now you know it is not their fault these people that they are a debilitating error that undermines their ability to manage their performance and results. They were deluded into thinking that theory is the useless equivalent of the practical.·?????? Some of these people actually believe that the words theory and fiction mean the same.

·?Others are convinced that theory means some useless impractical something not linked to practical action.

·?????? Yet still others believe that they do not use any theory in what they do practically.

·?????? Then we have many who actual dismiss anyone they deem to be ‘ too theoretical.”

It is very sad and unfortunate for people in top decision-making position to have this flawed view of theory. It undermines their performance in a very serious way.

But look here,

Many people have degrees and academic qualifications they acquired through learning theory and very little if any practice. They use those qualifications and titles to do many things including to get jobs. How come that they then start despising theory?


Here is the correct view of theory.

1.?????? Theory and practice are the opposite; they work hand in hand.

2.?????? Theory is used in all the practical action that we do because the human brain cannot operate without some theory of how to do what it does even when we do not have a conscious awareness or knowledge of the theory it uses.

3.?????? Theory is not fiction;

?? it is not a general knowledge

?? It is guesswork

?? It is not conjecture

?? Theory is not talk

In science, we study the theory and practice of things. In many cases we start with the theory and then we test it in reality to see if the theory and reality agree.

1.?????? All these things that we use were made using some theory.

2.?????? Before a car there was a theory about how a car could work and look like

3.?????? Before your phone existed there was a theory about how a phone could work and look like

4.?????? Most of what we call knowledge is theory.


Let me say this;

1.?????? Theory, real theory drives practice. Or let me say theory is the mother of practice.

2.?????? Theory informs practice.

3.?????? The practical results that we produce are a reflection if the theory that we use to produce those results.

When surgeons do operations in the theatre, they are guided by theory.

When you drive your car, you are guided by theory.

When you prepare your meals or tea, you are guided by theory.

?In other words;

Your Practical Results

= Your Theory for

Producing Those Results

X Your Mental + Physical Action

?to Produce Those Results.

To successfully change your current situation, performance or results, then you must have a correct theory how to change your current situation, performance or results. Without a correct theory of doing so, it the change will be difficult to achieve and if it happens, it will be by accident or miracles and through informed knowledge and approach.

For these reasons;

It does not make any sense to separate the theoretical from the practical and to treat theory as if

it is inferior to practical action. Your theory determines your practical results.

Understanding the importance of theory in producing practical results is a must for serious top decision makers.

In any case, we are always already using theory without knowing it and without knowing the details of the theory in everything that we do in our wake state. When we sleep, the brain is still using some theory to function effectively and in a consistent way.? That is why we say,

Ceteris pari bus;

Same old theory leads to same old results.

To change our results consistently and by choice we must change the theory that we use for producing the results. This vital!

[email protected] +263-77-444-74

?Simon Bere, 2024


