Listen to Audio Hope!
David A. Grant
Nonprofit Founder at BIHN / Author / Keynote Speaker / Disability Advocate
Known by many, and perhaps now by you, we post audio versions of many stories from HOPE Magazine on our website.
Early on after my own injury, reading was all but impossible.
Knowing that many others also struggle to read after brain injury, our Audio Hope page affords the opportunity to benefit from the stories in our publication.
Today I added two new audio stories.
You can now listen to “Why Am I So Tired,” by Carole Starr and “Smoke and Mirrors,” by Ric Johnson.
Both stories simply overflow with hope and inspiration.
By the way, if you happen to see Carole Starr today, be sure to wish her a Happy Birthday!
A heartfelt thank you to Munish Joshi. Munish is the recording artist who volunteers his time and resources by creating our Audio Hope recordings. Like so many others committed to serving our community, Munish lives a life affected by brain injury as the spouse of a survivor.
Again I marvel at the kindness and generosity within our community. Kind souls like Carole and Ric, courageous enough to share their stories. Souls like Munish, at the ready to help others, people he will never meet, but who will benefit directly from his selfless work.
None of us asked for the fate we live, yet somehow, against seemingly impossible odds, we find our way.
You can listen to Audio Hope Here>>>