Listen Again...
Should those Hi-Hats sit Left or Right of Center? And How Far Over?
Listen Again...
Does the Bass sit Right Phat in The Middle, Stankin Up the Song and does the Percussion get in the Way?
...Listen Again
Are the Keys Crisp and Tight? Does the Guitar Burn & Groove through the Harmonic Structure? Are You Sure You've Chosen the Perfect Synth Blend to Match the Pure Spit of the Horns roaring through the Mix? What about those Strings?
Listen, Listen, Listen Again...
I was reminded of this hearty habit recently by My Beautiful Bride of 21 years who approached me as I was Mixing this particular song for the 200th time, Listening to each instrument distinctly, intently, repeatedly, soloing each track, comping the next few - then rewinding and starting again.
All She said was: "I Wish You'd Listen to Me Like That..."
Changed Everything.
Does My Wife & Our Daughters feel heard as I'm wolfing down a sandwich, on My Way to My Next Whatever ?
Listen Again...
Do I hear the nuances of what's Not being said by my 18 year old as she leaves for her 2PM class?
...Listen Again
Am I keenly aware of what I've communicated to Family, Friend and Acquaintance alike as I Experience Life from Day to Day, or am I merely Sharing My Perspective without Considering Theirs?
Listen, Listen, Listen, Listen...Again
I had NO Music on while typing this blog, so I could hear more clearly...