List of Scholarships, Awards & Grants for IEEE Student Members
Aravindhan Anbazhagan
Founder, Educerelator | Board of Governor, IEEE ProComm | TEDx Speaker^2 | Teach For India Alumnus
IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional volunteer-led organization, has a lot of scope for IEEE Student Members to involve and get recognized. Applying for scholarships, awards and grants are one of the perks for the dedicated volunteers.
This article includes all the different scholarships, awards & grants offered by the diverse IEEE Technical Societies collated together. Credits to the volunteers, Ankitha Gudla <[email protected]> and Chakravarthy Srinivas <[email protected]> for taking their time and putting this resource together.
Note - It was originally prepared and presented to the audience as part of Know Your IEEE series organized by the Student Branches in IEEE Madras Section (India, Region 10). Sharing it here, so we can have many student members access the same. If you want to add/modify any information, please feel free to reach out <[email protected]>
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IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Engineering Scholarship
Eligibility: IEEE student members studying electrical/electronic engineering at the undergraduate level or first professional degree, and systems engineering at the graduate level, from an accredited university, with no other scholarships and a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.8 (7.5 in select countries) or above
Prize Items: $5,000 and a certificate for Graduate student; $5,000 and a certificate for the Undergraduate student. Funds will be paid to the school on behalf of the student.
Frequency: Annually
Deadline: 1 December
Application: Engineering Scholarship Application 2020
IEEE Broadcast Technology Society
Jules Cohen Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award
Prize: Scholarship amounts shall be either $5,000 or $10,000 for both undergraduate and graduate students.
Frequency: Scholarships will be awarded twice each calendar year (timing associated with Spring and Fall academic semesters).
Eligibility: To be eligible, applicants must complete and submit a scholarship application, including academic transcripts, and a personal statement. Applicants must be enrolled full-time in an engineering curriculum at an accredited U.S. university and have a good academic record. Undergraduates must have Junior or Senior standing. All applicants must express an interest in a career in broadcast engineering.
Clyde M. Hunt Memorial Award
Prizes: First prize: $250, Certificate and an all-expense paid trip to the Annual Broadcast Symposium to present the winning paper;
Second and Third prize: $250.00, Certificate, and complimentary registration to the Annual Broadcast Symposium. [For coauthored papers, only principal author receives prizes (first, second, or third)
Eligibility: Any student, undergraduate or graduate, pursuing a course of study in a field related to broadcast engineering is eligible. The student need not be a member of IEEE or BTS.
IEEE Circuits And Systems Society
An undergraduate or graduate student.
An IEEE CASS student member.
Prize items: A maximum of $USD 1,500
IEEE Control Systems Society
IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) Best Student Paper Award
Eligibility: Primary contributor(s) of a paper, who was a (were) Student Member(s) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) at the Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) deadline for initial paper submission. The Student(s) is (are) required to present the paper at the CCTA.
Prize: Certificate laminated on a plaque and travel expenses to the Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) for one recipient.
Frequency: Annually
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) Best Student Paper Award
Eligibility: Primary contributor(s) of a paper, who was a (were) Student Member(s) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers at the time of original submission.
Prize: Certificate laminated on a plaque, and travel expenses to the Conference on Decision and Control for one recipient.
Frequency: Annually
Deadline: 15 August
IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society
Caixin Sun and Stanislaw Grzybowski Best Student Paper Award
Eligibility: To be eligible for the award, a candidate student paper must be submitted by full time student. The student should appear as a first author of the paper. Moreover, the paper must be presented by the student at an oral / poster session of the ICHVE.
Prize: $500 USD
Frequency: Biennially
IEEE Education Society
IEEE Student Leadership Award
Eligibility: IEEE Student Member or IEEE Graduate Student Member
Prize: $500 USD
Frequency: Annually
Deadline: 1 May
IEEE Electron Devices Society
Undergraduate Student Scholarships
Eligibility: Candidate must: be an IEEE EDS student member at the time of nomination; a full-time undergraduate student in an engineering program of an accredited academic institution; successfully completed at least an undergraduate course on microelectronic devices or fabrication processes with a passing grade of at least B or equivalent.
Prize: US$1,000 and a plaque.
Frequency: Annually
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
IES Student Best Paper Award
Eligibility: Must be student or graduate student member of the IEEE.
Prize: Certificate, $1,000 and travel expense reimbursement for the award ceremony.
Frequency: Annually
IEEE Information Theory Society
Jack Keil Wolf ISIT Student Paper Award
Eligibility: Must be a registered student of an educational institution at the time of paper submission.
Prize: $500 honorarium to be divided equally between all student authors of the paper, and a plaque for each student author.
Frequency: Annually
IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
Graduate Fellowship Award
Eligibility: Candidate must be at minimum, a student member of the IEEE. Candidate’s advisor must be a member of the IEEE and the I&M Society
Prize: Maximum of $15,000USD per grant winner. Award certificate to each selected applicant. Complimentary Instrumentation and Measurement (I&M) Student Membership
Frequency: Annually
Deadline: April 1
Best Application in Instrumentation & Measurement Award
Eligibility: All levels of Membership, including Student Members. Nominees must exhibit actions that reflect positively on and enhance the reputation of the I&M Society.
Prize: $500, a paper certificate, and publication of the idea in the I&M Magazine.
Frequency: Annually
Deadline: October 1
IEEE Power & Energy Society
IEEE Power & Energy Society Outstanding Student Scholarship
Eligibility: · An IEEE PES Student Member (or any member grade) in good standing
· A full-time student who is pursuing a Master’s of Science degree in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)/Masters of Engineering (M.Eng) or an equivalent designation with a focus in electrical power engineering. Individuals pursuing their PhD are not eligible for this award.
· Must be attending a university or college that has an active IEEE Student Branch which offers a substantive educational program in electrical power engineering
· Committed to working in the power and energy engineering career field
· Each recipient (up to Twenty (20)) will receive a plaque and a prize amount of US$10,000. The prize funds will be distributed directly to the student.
· Each recipient will also receive complimentary housing and conference registration if they are able to participate & attend their corresponding PES Regional meeting.
Frequency: Annually
Deadline: March 15
High Performing Student Branch Chapter Program
Eligibility: The IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter chair must apply for the program each year using the Combined Annual Report / High Performing Student Chapter Program online form.
· US$ 1,000 (First position on the PES HPSBCP ranking)
· US$ 150 to US$ 700 (Based on total score)
Frequency: Annually
Deadline: March 30
IEEE PES India Scholarship Award
1. Express a willingness to consider a career in power and energy engineering
2. Agree to the conditions for renewal of award after the first year
3. Will be working on an electrical engineering undergraduate bachelor’s degree (Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronic Engineering) as a full-time undergraduate student
4. Already enrolled in a university that offers undergraduate courses with curricula that substantively covers the list of typical power engineering subjects
5. Takes the power and energy engineering subjects as electives as guided by the mentor
6. Any 1st year full time regular UG Engineering program student in Electrical Engineering stream from an AICTE/UGC approved institution
7. Higher Secondary (or equivalent) marks should be above 70% or of equivalent grade.
8. 12th standard or qualifying pre-university marks should be above 70% or of equivalent grade.
9. Application is open to all students who hold a valid cut off rank in the IIT JEE (Main)/IIT JEE (Advanced)/state level engineering entrance examinations, as prescribed in the “call for application”.
10. Students from AICTE/UGC approved Institutions are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
1. 50,000 (Rs. Fifty thousand only) per year per student towards the college and hostel fee. No bills to be produced by the selected student.
2. To the maximum extent of Rs. 25,000 (Rs. Twenty five thousand only) per year per student towards the expenses incurred towards attending seminars, conferences, tutorials, workshops and internships to be paid to the student on production of suitable documents of attending the same.
Frequency: Annually
Deadline: June 30
IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
Undergraduate/Pre graduate Scholarship Program
Applicant must be a BS, BS/MS or MS student in electrical engineering (or related field).
The faculty mentor must be an IEEE MTT-S member.
1. $1500 cash award. Funds may be used for project materials and/or stipends
2. Certificate of recognition.
3. Travel supplement (up to a maximum of $1000 USD) to attend the next IMS or an MTT-S sponsored regional conference
Frequency : Twice in a year
Deadline: April 15 and October 15
1. Applicant must have a B.S./B.A. in engineering, applied physics, computer science or other appropriate field from an accredited institution of higher learning.
2. Applicant must be a member of MTT‐S.
3. Faculty supervisors must be a member of MTT‐S.
Prize :
1. Up to twelve $6000 awards may be granted each year
2. Limited travel support (up to a maximum of $1000 USD) is available to enable the winners to attend the IMS
Frequency: Annually
Deadline: October 15.
1. The student must have a B.S./B.A. in engineering, applied physics, computer science or other appropriate field from an accredited institution of higher learning.
2. The student must be enrolled in an MS, Ph.D. or M.D. program as a full-time student in an accredited, degree granting institution of higher learning.
3. The student and faculty supervisor must be members of IEEE.
1. Up to two $6000 awards may be granted each year
2. Limited travel support is available to enable the winner(s) to attend the IMS.
Frequency: Annually
Deadline: October 15
IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society
NPSS Graduate Scholarship Award
Any graduate student in the fields of Nuclear and Plasma Sciences.
Prize :
$1500, Certificate, and one-year paid membership in the NPSS.
Frequency: Up to four (4) awards presented annually.
Deadline: January 31st
NPSS Robert J Barker Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Pulsed Power Applications
Eligibility: Graduate students enrolled in an accredited MS or Ph.D. level research program in the field of nuclear and plasma sciences
The recipient will receive US$3000, a travel allocation not to exceed US$500, and a plaque.
Frequency: Annually
IEEE Glenn F. Knoll Graduate Educational Grant
Any graduate student who is a member in good standing of the IEEE and NPSS.
Prize: $5000 and plaque. Multiple recipients are not allowed.
Frequency: Annual
Deadline: January 31st
IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society
IEEE OES Presidential Award
The recipient shall be a member of the IEEE in good standing of at least the grade of Graduate Student Member, and a member of the Oceanic Engineering Society
Medallion plaque
Frequency: Annually
IEEE Photonics Society
Graduate Student Scholarship
Student members pursuing graduate education within the Society field of interest. Students should normally be in their penultimate year of study at time of nomination.
Up to $10,000 in scholarships will be awarded, based on research excellence and contributions to the Society’s publications and conferences
Frequency: Annually
Deadline: May 30
IEEE Power Electronics Society
IEEE McMurray Award for Industry Achievements in Power Electronics
The award recipient must be an active member of IEEE.
The award consists of an award plaque and a one-time honorarium of 3,500USD. In addition, upon request, a maximum and total amount of 1,500USD will be available to the recipient as reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs incurred to attend the place of the presentation of the award.
Frequency: Annually
Deadline: March 31st
IEEE Joseph John Suozzi INTELEC? Fellowship Award in Power Electronics
Electrical engineering graduate student studying in an area of power electronics that powers information and communication technology systems.
Grant of $15,000
Frequency: Annually
Deadline: March 31st
PELS Best Student Branch Award
Criteria are substantial chapter accomplishments in fields such as: local service to PELS members; chapter meetings with technical, educational or networking contents, including meetings with invited distinguished lecturers from PELS; offering networking opportunities between local industry and academia, between students, young and senior engineers; power electronics related contribution to IEEE activities, such as establishment and promotion of IEEE milestones; essential local support of international IEEE PELS power electronics conferences; visibility.
1000USD to support activities of the Student Branch, a certificate in the name of the Student Branch Chapter. Reimbursement for travel expenses up to 500 USD to attend the award ceremony at ECCE-NA
Frequency: Annually
Deadline: March 31st
IEEE Professional Communication Society
Hayhoe Fellow Award
The Hayhoe Fellow is given to a graduate student who has submitted a conference paper that will be presented at the annual International Professional Communication Conference
The award provides support to the student to defray conference attendance costs.
IEEE Reliability Society
Annual Reliability Society “Engineer of the Year” Award
Eligibility: RS Members are eligible.
Prize: $1,500 and Plaque, plus up to $1,000 for travel expenses for recipient to attend the January IEEE Reliability Society AdCom Awards Banquet.
Frequency: Annually
Chapters Award
Eligibility: IEEE Reliability Society Chapters in operation December 31st of award period (January 1 — December 31).
Prize: $800 and Citation for 1st place, $500 and Citation for 2nd place, $400 and Citation for 3rd place; and $200 for all other Chapters submitting complete entries.
Frequency: Annually
Certificate of Achievement — Chapter Chairperson
All IEEE Reliability Society Chapter Chairpersons for the year in question who conducted programs acceptable
Prize: Framed Certificate and token gift such as a pen and pencil set with the IEEE Reliability Society logo and/or the IEEE logo on it.
Frequency: Annually
Education Award
Open to all members of the IEEE Reliability Society.
Prize: $250 and Plaque
Frequency: Annually
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
IEEE ICRA Best Student Paper Award
All student papers presented at the annual ICRA conference are eligible.
There is no requirement for IEEE membership.
A single award of $1,000 to the student first-author and certificates for all individual authors. In the exceptional case that two papers are deemed worthy, the student first-author of each paper will receive a $500 prize.
Frequency: Annually
IEEE CASE Best Student Paper Award
All student papers presented at the annual CASE conference are eligible. There are no restrictions as to IEEE membership, organization, nationality, race, creed, sex, or age
A single award of $1,000 to the student first-author and certificates for all individual authors. In the exceptional case that two papers are deemed worthy, the student first-author of each paper will receive a $500 prize.
Frequency: Annually
IEEE Signal Processing Society
Chapter of the year award
All IEEE Signal Processing Society local chapters established more than one year are eligible.
Selection Process:
The nominated Chapters will be evaluated based on the following chapter activities, programs and services during the past year:
1.Technical activities (e.g., technical meetings, workshops and conferences, tours with industry)
2. Educational programs (e.g,. courses, seminars, student workshops, tutorials, student activities)
3.Membership development (e.g., programs to encourage students and engineers to join the society, growth in chapter’s membership, member advancement programs)
4.Annual IEEE Chapter report submitted by the Chapter.
1. The representative of the winning Chapter will receive a plaque and a check of $1,000.
2. The representative of the winning Chapter also will be provided with up to $1200 for continental or $2100 for intercontinental travel support to attend the ICASSP awards ceremony and the ICASSP Chapter Chairs Luncheon meeting to present a brief talk highlighting their Chapter’s accomplishments.
Frequency: Annually
Deadline: 15 October
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
SSCS Outstanding Chapter Award
A chapter is eligible to be considered for the Outstanding Chapter Award once every three years, excluding the year in which it last was chosen for this distinction
The award consists of a check for $1,000, to be used for chapter activities, and a Certificate of Recognition
Frequency: Annually
Deadline: June 30
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
Outstanding SMC Chapter Award
SMCS Chapters that have not received this award during the past three years.
$1,000 to be used for Chapter activities and a Plaque.
Frequency: Annually
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society
James Evans Avant Garde Award
To recognize leadership and continuing contributions in promoting new technology in the field of Vehicular Communications and Electronics.
Eligibility: IEEE VTS member.
Prize: $1,000 and plaque.
Frequency: Annually
Stuart Meyer Memorial Award
Eligibility: Candidates must be a member of IEEE and a member of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society.
Prize: $3,000 and Plaque.
Frequency: Annually
IEEE Computer Society
Richard E. Merwin Scholarship
IEEE Computer Society is offering $40,000 in student scholarships, from $1,000 and up, to recognize and reward active student volunteer leaders in student branches or chapters who show promise in their academic and professional efforts.
Eligibility: Graduate students, and those in the final two years of an undergraduate program in electrical or computer engineering, computer science, or a well-defined computer related field of engineering who are active members of a student branch or chapter are eligible.
Prize: $1,000 each.
Frequency: Twice (April 30/September 30)
Upsilon Pi Epsilon Scholarship
The Executive Council of Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) wishes to encourage academic excellence for students in the computing discipline. UPE initiated this award with the IEEE Computer Society, as the largest association of computer professionals, to raise the importance of academic achievement in our future computer professionals.
Eligibility: All graduate and undergraduate students who are IEEE Computer Society members and full-time students at an academic institution are eligible. Student winners of the Computer Society’s Richard Merwin or UPE/CS award for the previous year (13 months) are not eligible.
Prize: $1,000 each.
Frequency: Once (October 31)
Lance Stafford Larson Student Award
In 1983, the Lance Stafford Larson Award was established by the Larson family in memorial for their son, who died in an electrical accident while an undergraduate at the University of Maryland. The Larson family, which includes IEEE Past President Robert Larson, created this award to encourage students to develop excellence in their communication skills and to motivate students toward achievement in the field of Computer Science.
Eligibility: All IEEE student members. There will be one award for undergraduates and a second for graduate students.
Prize: $500
Frequency: Once (October 31)
All the best for your application! A final quote from John. C. Maxwell to inspire you.
"Sometimes you win. Sometimes you learn."
professor at IRE NASU
2 年Sorry - this list is far from being complete. Say, IEEE AP-S has pre-graduate and graduate student fellowships as well, The Best Chapter awards exist in many other IEEE Societies. Etc., etc.
Author || AI enthusiast & prompt expert| |Public Speaker|AI Linguistics(Mal & Eng) Script Writer Co-Founder- UMENUS |Community Engagement
3 年This is very useful.Thank you sir.
Planning & Engineering, MEISA @ FedEx - Business Product Analyst
4 年Karishma Jethani
Faculty of Information Technology, Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
4 年A very useful article.
Founder, Educerelator | Board of Governor, IEEE ProComm | TEDx Speaker^2 | Teach For India Alumnus
4 年Abdul Halik M I -- Thank you for providing us the opportunity to do the webinar on this topic. That's the reason, how this resource was created.