List of resources I used during my preparation

List of resources I used during my preparation

Many of my connections here asked me to guide about the UGC NET JRF examinations so I thought to make a detailed list of all sources I used during my preparation.

I hope this will help all those who want to prepare for this exam without opting for any subscription of any platform.

Feel free to ping me if you have any queries, I will try to reply to your queries ASAP.

For Paper- 1 General Paper on Teaching & Research Aptitude

Please purchase any book for UGC NET Paper 1, I personally used KVS Madan for my paper 1 preparation and practice. Below there are links to resources I used for my preparation. One tip I want to give is to prepare your handwritten notes on A4 sheets so if you want to add something later on, you could just attach a paper in between the sheets. After completing any unit try to solve KVS Madan questions to see where you're lagging in your preparation and also keep in mind KVS Madan is a long book which contain many questions, and you always not need to know all the answer so if you are unable to solve many questions don't bother. Just focus on questions which are previously asked in UGC NET examinations.

You should install UGC NET Mock Test app ( ) it will provide you all previous year question papers and also unit wise questions. It will surely boost your preparation. App charges some amount to access their content which is in my understanding worth it.

Unit-I Teaching Aptitude:

Start your preparation from Kumar Bharat sir lectures ( ) then watch talvir sir marathon to fill the gaps left by kumar sir ( )

Unit-II Research Aptitude:

Start your preparation from Kumar Bharat sir lectures ( ) then watch talvir sir marathon to fill the gaps left by Kumar sir ( )

Unit-III Comprehension

You have to practice and learn from your mistakes

Unit-IV Communication

Prepare this unit from KVS Madan book and Talvir sir marathon can also help ( )

Unit-V Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude

Nitish Sir lectures is good ( ) and you have to practice and learn from you mistakes

Unit-VI Logical Reasoning

Start your preparation from Kumar Bharat sir lectures ( ) then watch talvir sir marathon to fill the gaps left by kumar sir ( )

For Indian logic talvir sir lectures is best ( , )

Unit-VII Data Interpretation

You have to practice and learn from your mistakes

Unit-VIII Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Talvir sir lectures are good and especially it covers most of the full forms as well ( - lecture 1 to 8, )

Navdeep Ma'am conversion video is a must watch ( )

Unit-IX People, Development and Environment

I prepared it from multiple sources like from KVS Madan book and from youtube lectures of Talvir sir, Toshiba and Navdeep ma'am etc ( , , )

Unit-X Higher Education System

I prepared it from multiple sources like from KVS Madan book and from youtube lectures of Talvir sir, Toshiba ma'am etc ( , )

NEP 2020 lecture of Talvir sir is a must watch ( )

For Paper- 2 Mass Communication and Journalism

Read Keval J. Kumar book Mass Communication in India ( ) it is an introductory book which introduce you to many things which you will later study in detail while your preparation.

You should install UGC NET Mock Test app ( ) it will provide you all previous year question papers of paper 2 asked in UGC NET exam and also provide you various States SET exams question papers. It will surely boost your preparation. App charges some amount to access their content which is in my understanding worth it.

Unit-1 Introduction to Journalism and Mass Communication:

Most theories from Vision mass communication but that doesn't mean you NEED to subscribe to vision mass communication; you can easily find these theories well explained on , List of theories which i studied during my preparation are

Bullet theory – Lasswell, Two step and multi step flow – Lazersfeld and Katz, Lasswell's propagenda theory, Walter Lippmann's Public Opinion Theory, Attitude Change Theory- Karl Hovland (Individual Difference), Joseph Klapper's phenomenistic theory, Cognitive Dissonance – Festinger, Gatekeeping theory – Kurt Lwein, Uses and Gratification Theory – Bulmer and Katz, Agenda Serring – McCombs and Shaw, Spiral of silence – Neumann, Cultivation Analysis – Gerbner, Diffusion of Innovation – EM Rogers, Framing Analysis - E. Goffman, Hot and Cold Media – McLuhan, Medium is Message – McLuhan, Media Bias – Harold Innis, Culture Industry – Adorno, Public Sphere – Habermas, Semiotics – CS Pierce, Symbolic Interactionism – Goffman, Signifier and Signified – Saussure

Normative Theories from OSOU ( ) List of normative theories which i studied during my preparation are Authoritarian, Libertarian, Soviet Communist, Social Responsibility, Democratic Participant, Development Media

Models from OSOU ( )

Unit-2 Communication for Development and Social Change:

From IGNOU ( , )

Unit-3 Reporting and Editing:

From OSOU ( , )

Read glossary from internet too, it will help

Unit-4 &5 Advertising and Marketing Communication & Public Relations and Corporate Communication:

From IGNOU ( , , , )

Unit-6 Media Laws and Ethics:

From IGNOU ( , , , )

Media Committees from Vision Mass Communication

Famous cases related to constitution from Sen media academy free lecture which are available on YouTube

Unit-7 Media Management and Production:

From OSOU ( )

Unit-8 ICT and Media:

From Internet and Unit 8 of Paper-1

Unit-9 Film and Visual Communication:

Basics of Audio and Video Production from IGNOU( , , , ),

Cinema Movements from Internet

Unit- 10 Communication Research:

WIMMER and DOMINICK's Book Part-1; part 1 of this book contains basic concepts which is very necessary after reading part 1 of this book you should read research methods

a) Quantitative ( )

b) Qualitative ( )

then you should read glossary as well which is available in WIMMER and DOMINICK's Book

Aashi Prateek

Student at Banasthali Vidyapith

11 个月

Hello sir how could I prepare for the jrf Ujjwal Kumar

Debanjali Patra

Job seeker || ex-IPAC intern || ex- HR intern || ex- digital Marketing intern || experienced dance teacher || have interest in spoken English teaching , short web content writing , voice over ||

2 年

Congratulations.....and thank you


