List of Profitable Business Ideas on Tamarind Seed Processing and By-Products.
List of Profitable Business Ideas on Tamarind Seed Processing and By-Products. Tamarind (Tamarindus Indica) Processing Industry. Processed Products of Tamarind.
Tamarind Kernel Powder, Gum from Tamarind Seed Powder, Tamarind Pulp from Tamarind, Tamarind Juice Powder, Oil from Tamarind Seed, Tartaric Acid, Food Colour, Crude Pectin, Tamarind Oil)
India is the world’s largest producer of Tamarind, with a production of over 2 lakh tonnes. Tamarind is cultivated in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Telangana.
Tamarind Pulp is used in numerous culinary preparations. It is also a raw material for the preparation of wine like beverages. The tamarind kernel powder is found to be extensively used for its sizing properties, in textile, confectionary, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. The testa is used in dyeing and tanning industry. The tender leaves and flowers are used as vegetables. In medicine, it is used as appetizing, laxative, healing and anti-helmintic. It is also used against fluorosis.
State wise Share of Tamarind Production
Around 50,000 tonnes of Tamarind is exported in various forms including fresh fruit, deseeded dry tamarind and Tamarind powder.?
Tamarind Exports: Product wise Breakup
Tamarind extract is used in a variety of food products to enhance flavor and health benefits. Traditionally, tamarind extracts were used in juices due to its coolant property and were excessively consumed in the Middle Eastern region. It is a regularly used food ingredient in Asia and Latin America regions. Tamarind extract is used for manufacturing of tamarind concentrate, which is used in the preparation of blends for fruit juice, sauces, pickles etc. Tamarind extracts are used as natural preservatives, owing to its antifungal, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. The other health benefits of tamarind extract are that it acts as an antioxidant. It is used to cure digestive problems, conjunctivitis, common cold, fever etc. Tamarind extracts are also used in cosmetic products. It acts as a bleaching and skin hydrating agent in cosmetic products. The fragrance oils made from tamarind extract has a sour and sweet essence. It is incorporated as a fragrance ingredient in a variety of products such as soaps, candles, air fresheners, bath oils, aromatherapy products, incense sticks, laundry products etc.
The use of tamarind extract in the rapidly growing food industry is expected to be a major driver for the growth global tamarind extract market. Tamarind extracts are as an alternative for chemical preservatives such as lactic, acetic, benzoic acids etc. The increasing consumer awareness regarding food safety and health benefits of natural preservatives is anticipated to boost global tamarind extract market. The rise in demand and production of processed food and adoption of natural processing techniques by the food industry is expected to drive global tamarind extract market growth. Tamarind extract is an important ingredient in cosmetic and fragrance industry. The upsurge in consumer demand for organic food and ayurvedic medicines is expected to propel the growth of global tamarind extract market.
The global tamarind extract market can be divided into five regions, namely North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC) and the Middle East & Africa (MEA). APAC holds major share in global tamarind extract market. India is the major manufacturer and exporter of tamarind extract. The increasing investment in the healthcare industry and adoption of ayurveda is expected to drive tamarind extract market growth in the region. North America and Europe accounts for a significant share in global tamarind extract market. This is attributed to the mature food processing industries in these regions. Tamarind extract is used as a major ingredient in fruit juices in the desert regions of the Middle Eastern region due to its cooling effect.
The following industries have been proven to be quite Profitable:
Tamarind is widely used in vegetable preparation or producing sour taste in different kind of foods, snacks etc. It is generally used as paste forms or water extracts and produces good sour taste. Generally it contents tartaric acid, red colour pigment, fruit sugars, minerals etc. Read more
Tamarind is a fruit of highly soured nature having big trees all over India. Tamarind cultivation is used for the extraction of its fruit juice and pulp. The tamarind pulp is the chief agent for souring curries, sauces, chutneys and certain beverages and stored for marketing in a number of ways. Read more
India is the major producer of tamarind in the world. In the tropic zone, tamarind is used in many dishes or traditional drinks, but the commercial cultivation of the crop was initiated only recently. Every part of the tree is useful, specially the fruit. The sweetish acidic pulp of the fruit is the product of commerce. Read more
Tamarind is one of the best vegetable products which is largely used by the domestic people as well as in the hotels, dhabas and restaurants for the food preparation as sour taste. This has very good palatable sour taste. After extraction of pulps from tamarind there is bye product of tamarind seed. Read more
It is basically gum powder made from tamarind kernel, dimethyl hydantion formaldehyde, polyvinyl alcohol all the required raw material and machinery is easily available in India. Few private organizations are engaged in the manufacturing of corrugation gum powder. Read more
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