List of Profitable Business Ideas in Production of Soy and Soya Based Food Products.
List of Profitable Business Ideas in Production of Soy and Soya Based Food Products. Soybean Processing Industry.
Manufacturing of Soybean Flour, Soybean Oil, Soy Milk, Soy Molasses, Soy Sauce, Soy Yogurt, Sweet Bean Sauce, Soya Extract, Soy Protein, Soya Nuggets, Soya Paneer, and Tofu.
Soy products are made out of soybean. They are a substitute for milk and milk products such as cheese, flavoured milk, yoghurts and spreads among others. Soy products also act as a substitute for meat products, and are best suited for vegan diets. Soybeans are rich in protein content and provide amino acids that are essential for the body. Soy contains two types of fatty acids namely omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Soybean was first cultivated in China from where it spread to other parts of Asia. Soybeans are used to prepare a variety of food products such as soymilk, soy flour, tofu, tamari, tempeh and others. Soymilk is prepared after soaking soybeans in water. Tofu is a cheese-like food made after curdling the soymilk and is an excellent substitute for cheese for lactose intolerant people. Tamari or soy sauce is made by fermenting soybeans and is used as flavouring agent.
Soy is a predominant ingredient in the food industry. The soy market includes meat alternatives, dairy alternatives, grains, snacks, cereals, meal replacements, protein powders and formulas. Some examples of meat alternatives made of soy include: tofu, tempeh, vegetarian burgers and frankfurters, meatless luncheon slices, canned meat analogs (plant based versions of common meat products), ground soy burger, and soy bacon. Examples of dairy alternatives include: soy milk, soy creamers, soy yogurts, tofu-based butter alternatives, soy whipped toppings, soy cheese, and non-dairy desserts. Soy is sold in bulk fresh, frozen, and dried soybeans. Soy is used for textured vegetable protein in meal replacements and protein powders. Other soy foods including soy sauce, tamari, soy nut butter, and miso. Soy based formulas for infants are also popular. Soybean based oil is considered a commodity product and typically is not purchased for soy benefits.
Soy has a number of health benefits such as increasing bone density. It can also reduce the risk of heart failure as it reduces the cholesterol level in the blood. Soy is a good source of vitamins like B6 and B12 are essential for increasing the hair growth as they nourish the hair follicles. It also provides minerals like zinc and iron. Soy contains certain chemicals called as isoflavones which reduce the risk of breast cancer in women. However, individuals with kidney stones containing oxalates should avoid consuming soy foods as they are a rich source of oxalates.?Processed soy food have added sugar that increases calorie levels in the body and increases the chance of heart failure. Soy protein is used in various products like baked goods, pasta, cereals, and meat and meat products.
The soybean market is segmented on the basis of types, geographies, technology, and applications. On the basis of type, the soybean market is segmented into protein isolates which contain 90% protein, soy protein concentrates which contain 70% protein content, and soy flour which contains 50% protein content. On the basis of applications, the market is segmented into bakery and confectionary, meat products, functional foods, dairy products, and infant foods. Geographically, the market is segmented into North America, Western Europe, Asia Pacific and the rest of the World.
The total annual production of soybean production contributes to 55–58% of the total oilseed output which is about 210–230 million tonnes. The major producers in the soy market are India, US, Brazil, China and Argentina. The soy market contributes 70 to 80 million tonnes of the global trade. Major exporters of soybeans are US, Brazil and Argentina.?China is a major importer of soybean.
A major driver of the soy market is the increased health awareness among individuals as soy has relatively less calories and various health benefits. Another important driver is increased lactose intolerance among the individuals which causes them to consume soy products instead of milk and milk products.
Majorly fuelling demand in the global soybean market is the rising awareness among people about its health benefits. Their increasing applications in various end-use segments such as animal feed is also serving to boost demand. Serving to hamper demand in the global soybean market, on the other hand, is the dairy protein ingredients that have the first mover advantage and greater consumer acceptance.
The global soybean market to rise at a CAGR of 5.0% during the period between 2017 and 2025 to become worth US$215.746 bn by 2025 from US$146.23 bn in 2017.
Global Soybean Market Revenue, By End-Use, 2017 (US$ Mn)
The growing awareness among common consumers regarding the health benefits of consuming soy proteins is by far the leading driver in favor of the global soy protein market. The market is also expected to continue being augmented by strengthening research and development efforts towards the introduction of soy protein foods with greater functionality and the incorporation of newer blends suitable for various applications. One such growth in use of soy proteins is its application in animal feed. The global soy protein market is, however, currently restrained by the overall disparity between supply and demand. With a greater focus given to the distribution of soybean, the global soy protein market is suffering from a reduction in total raw material supplied to it.
The global soy protein market is expected to reach US$7.78 bn by the end of 2024, owing to a combination of factors that have imparted a favorable CAGR of 5.5% within a forecast period from 2016 to 2024. This market’s revenue was calculated at US$4.80 bn at the end of 2015.
Global Soy Protein Market Revenue Share, By Geography, 2015 (US$ Mn)
Soy Lecithin is typically the brownish yellow complex mixture of glycolipids, phospholipids, neutral lipids and sugars. The use of Soy to produce the lecithin is the highest as compare to the other sources of lecithin. The wide functional, nutritional and therapeutic properties of soy lecithin are used in variety of application. Soy Lecithin is mostly used as emulsifier in various industrial application such as food, feed, paints, cosmetics, plastics, pharmaceutical and others. The wide and constantly increasing product category for Lecithin applications is a healthy sign for the budding demand of soy lecithin market.
The abundant availability and low pricing in international markets makes Soy the major driver for the growth of the Soy Lecithin Market. The increasing areas of application in food as well as non-food segments of Soy lecithin is also estimated to benefit the global demand of soy lecithin market. The changing food habits and increased per capita income is driving the growth of the packaged and processed food industry which is furthermore estimated to benefit the soy lecithin market. The growing concerns towards healthy lifestyle are propelling the demand for the nutrient rich foods, beverages and supplements ultimately expected to push companies to use nutrient rich and cost effective products like soy lecithin.?The wide physical and chemical properties of Soy lecithin make it a lucrative product in paints and cosmetic industry. The maturing use of lecithin in pharmaceutical is forecasted to accelerate the demand of soy lecithin market.
Here are few Projects for Startup:
Soyabean meat is a vegetable meat which has property like original meat. Soyabean is abundantly produced in Madhya Pradesh. Production of soyabean is about 6519000 tones in India. This is basically used for oil extraction. After oil extraction, the residue of soyabean available, Read more
Soyabean after processing by heat treatment or germination is consumed in the form of flour, milk, curd, other fermented products and soyabean nuggets. It is a protein enriched, ready-to-eat food made from defatted ground nut/soy flour and cereal/gram flour. Read more
Soyabean is one of the most important agro based product which has commercial value after rice, wheat, maize etc. It is generally cultivated in the tempered region with water availability. It is generally matured in the month of November. Soyabean oil has commercial value in the field of vegetable oil. Read more
Soy protein is a protein that is isolated from soybean. It is made from soybean meal that has been dehulled and defatted. Soy protein is generally regarded as the storage protein held in discrete particles called protein bodies, which are estimated to contain at least 60 to 70% of the total soybean protein. Read more
Lecithin is a synonym for phosphatidylcholine. It is the main lipid component in biological membranes, like our cell membranes or cell walls of plants. On the other hand, commercial lecithin is actually a natural mixture of neutral and polar lipids, including glycolipids, triglycerides, sterols, Read more
Soybean oil is very popular with rich value of Omega 3 and Omega 6. Those fatty acids regulate lipid and cholesterol metabolism and prevent narrowing in artery veins. In addition its high content of vitamin B makes digestion easier and by this feature it prevents chronicle digestion problem and constipation. Read more
Increase of inputs on tangible or non-tangible way in agriculture increased the production of crops. Soyabean, known as golden bean has emerged as the most important cash crop in the world. Containing about 40% oil, it has been recognized as a potential requirements of nutritious foods in the country on the other hands. Read more
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