Liquor awareness training
Robert Pomplun
Chief Industry Consultant @ SERVING ALCOHOL INC. | Hospitality Industry Expert
7515.0590 SALES RESTRICTIONS. Minnesota rules Subpart 1. Refusal to sell. Retailers shall refuse to sell any alcoholic beverage to any person or persons whose character is questionable or whose credentials, in any manner, are not satisfactory.
340A.501 RESPONSIBILITY OF LICENSEE. Every licensee is responsible for the conduct in the licensed establishment and any sale of alcoholic beverage by any employee authorized to sell alcoholic beverages in the establishment is the act of the licensee .
Staff can be sued for acts outside the scope of their employment. The Oregon Liquor Control Commission suspended the bars license.The suspension begins on January 20th, 2019 and will last 21 days. As a result, owners of the bar estimate they will lose $115,000 US in lost sales earnings in the 21 days the Barrel Room will be legally prohibited from selling alcohol. According to the lawsuit, the bartender admitted to Portland police that he had been drinking on the job that day and had been relieved of his duties because of this. As a result, the owners of the bar are now seeking damages from its former employee for $5,500 per day over 21 days for a total of $115,000 USD. Furthermore, employees who serve alcohol in Oregon are required to have a permit issued by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission. This applies to nightclubs, bars, restaurants, taverns, private clubs, lounges, etc. Because the bartender was drinking alcohol on the job, and drunk at work, consequently he had his service permit suspended for 18 days and was also penalized.
The power of your staff's ability to give respect increases your staff's ability to deal with confused patrons with their right or wrong opinions. Your alcohol serving staff has to develop their ability to explain house policy. The staff training is an art of verbal and visual communication that helps to create patron understanding. The staff ability of reading body language with open-hearted patience creates better patron communications. The skills of trained your staff ability of listening to patrons problems where patrons can vent and explain their needs and wants is the art of your staff ability of showing and giving care. The art of providing the duty of care is based on the ability staff to understand the legal right duty care created by the prevention of the illegal sale of alcohol. The art of people talking to each other can be lost when all we do is deal with machines. People will see what they want to see at times and do not understand the totality of what you can and they need to do. Patrons lack the ability to communicate with others creates a greater opportunity for a reaction to conflict. The ability of staff to communicate patron needs and staff intent to assist patrons must be a civil response to a uncivil person at times. Staff are paid babysitters of our patrons.
The ability of staff civility responses is gained through experience and staff education of not to react but to think and then respond. Be nice, smile, greet your guest, led by compassion, and politeness. Respect is given to our patrons than earned by from their responses. Guest frustration is the roadblock to guest ability to respond to self-solving problems solutions rather than reacting to them. Some patrons just do not listen to reason and we have to help them to prevent the possible self-harm. Civility creates the opportunity for a thinking response of safety rather than reactions of violence. The ability to develop staff’s skill of civility creates the opportunity for patron's loyalty and trust. “Good money,” is a byproduct of self-respect and civility. Be kind to your patrons will help develop staff opportunity for earning guest respect. Staff understanding of their response of caring consideration creates kindness, respect, and the opportunity human civility. Some people have to learn to think before they speak. Staff ability to think and not react to patron’s confusion creates an opportunity for safe space civility. Staff has develop the skill to respond to patron’s unwanted behavior and emotional frustration.
Drinking alcohol, fatigue, and poly impairments usually cause the opportunity for patron confusion and stupidity. Be kind to your guests. Do not berate others. Nice staff always make more good money because they give more patron respect. Introduce yourself when people want to talk and leave them alone if they do not want to talk. Do not create the opportunity to be disrespectful. Open doors, help people with their chairs, and always ask patrons if they are in of assistance, and always act in situations to prevent self-harm. Civility is the ability of staff to care about others feeling and be respectful of other social space.
The ability of your staff to control other patrons inappropriate behaviors threw staff interactions, enforcement, and educational posting of social house behavioral policies is the main key in reducing patrons’ opportunity for incivility. Always understand that alcohol, other impairing drugs, and conflict situations may help create the greater opportunity for guest’s lack of civility and social disorder. Remember that promoting “being nice” to others create good money, good service, greater guest loyalty, and greater opportunity for safer environments.
Note: Patrons have to be aware of the ABV of craft beers. While most mass-produced beers like Budweiser and Coors top out at 5% alcohol by volume, some craft beers on the market now contain more than 10% alcohol by volume. At a bar, "When people drink a bottle of beer, they just think it's a bottle of beer." It is not. Craft beers can be two to three time higher in ABV. Patrons have to be aware of the dangers of stronger beers.
1. Watch people enter and remember patrons appreciation of service your “tips” does not create the patron's right to be uncivil to others. 2. The nicest compliment patrons can hear see their name. Try and be respectful when being disrespected by confused patrons. 3. Two people have to leave to assist their friends if help is needed. 4. Tolerance is the ability of staff to help solve patron’s misunderstanding about house policy. 5. Staff has to promote the opportunity of communication ask the patron to please step back if in your face. Space helps promote safety and increase the ability to communicate. 6. Remember as security person that everyone has a camera in their phones. Staff have to be careful of statements made in the heat of an argument when being taped by others on cell phones. 7. Uber and Lift transportation doesn’t create an execute to over consume for servers. 8. The key to control of public civil space is creating the house policy that respect the rights of others. The ability of staff to prevent the opportunity of patron self-harm creates safer social space. 9. Patrons have a right of safe entry and the condition of dignity is the social right of respect provided for to enjoy and shared social space. Creating the atmosphere of civility reduces the opportunity for conflict and criminality. 10. Patrons have to conduct themselves in a manner that is not offensive to others, endangers the safety of all, and hinders or harasses the social space of other patrons. Patrons are not to act in a manner that could cause offence to others, including but not restricted to acts of racism, or create any threat to safety or life of others, or create a opportunity of self-harm to themselves or others.