Liquibase: Streamlining Database Migration for Effortless Development

Authored by Akshay V M

Simplify Database Schema Management with Liquibase

In modern software development, managing database schema changes efficiently and accurately is important for the success of a project. One of our customers had faced issues with updating the database schema in multiple QA or Dev databases. The task was tedious and prone to errors. It sometimes affects the developer's productivity. Their main concern was that they had to update the databases of around 15 environments in a version-controlled manner while testing some features. They have been using Jenkins as a continuous deployment tool.?

Here we recommended a solution with Liquibase, an open-source database change management tool, that offers a strong solution to version control and manage database migrations seamlessly. We integrated Liquibase with Jenkins, allowing us to run SQL queries in each environment by selecting the environment in Jenkins. In this blog, we will explore Liquibase's features, benefits, and best practices, demonstrating how it simplifies the process of database schema management.

Earlier, managing database schema changes was often a manual and error-prone process. Let’s see how things were typically done:

Manual Script Execution:

Developers would manually write SQL scripts to make changes to the database schema. These scripts would include SQL statements for creating or modifying tables, indexes, constraints, and other database objects. The SQL scripts were executed manually using database management tools such as SQL clients or database administration tools. This approach lacked consistency and repeatability, making it difficult to ensure that all environments were in sync.

Lack of Version Control:

There was no systematic version control for database schema changes. Developers saved their scripts in local folders or shared network drives, but there wasn’t a centralized repository or tracking mechanism for changes. This made it challenging to keep track of the changes made to the database schema over time.

Manual Rollbacks:

In case of issues or errors during a schema change, rollbacks were often manual and error-prone. Developers had to write additional scripts to revert the changes, and there was no automated way to handle rollbacks consistently.

Limited Collaboration:

Collaboration on database schema changes was challenging. Multiple developers working on the same schema had to manually coordinate their changes and ensure there were no conflicts.?

Documentation Challenges:

Any changes made to the schema required manual updates to the documentation, which could easily be forgotten.

Deployment and Integration Challenges:

Integrating database schema changes into the software development process and deployment pipeline was often complex. Coordinating the execution of schema changes alongside application code deployments required careful coordination and manual effort.

Understanding Liquibase:

Liquibase is an open-source database-independent library for tracking, managing, and applying database schema changes. Liquibase is a powerful and flexible tool that treats database schema as code, allowing developers to manage and automate the database migration process. With Liquibase, you can define changesets that represent alterations to your database schema. These changesets are version-controlled and executed in a controlled manner, ensuring consistency across different environments.

Key Features and Benefits:

Database Version Control:

Liquibase provides a version control system for your database schema, similar to how you manage your application code. You can track and manage changes to your schema over time, making it easier to collaborate and understand the evolution of your database structure.

Database Migrations:

Liquibase simplifies the process of managing database migrations. You can define migrations using XML, JSON, YAML, or SQL formats, describing the changes required to move from one version of the schema to another. Liquibase automatically applies these migrations in the correct order, ensuring that your database schema remains up to date.

Cross-Platform Support:

Liquibase supports a wide range of database management systems, including Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and more. This flexibility allows you to use Liquibase across different projects and environments, regardless of the underlying database technology.

Collaboration and Teamwork:

Liquibase enables multiple developers to work on the same database schema concurrently. It provides mechanisms for conflict resolution and merging changesets, facilitating seamless collaboration and reducing the risk of conflicts.

Rollbacks and Roll-forward:

Liquibase allows you to roll back changes in case of issues during migration. This feature provides a safety net, allowing you to revert to a previous state quickly. Additionally, Liquibase handles forward migration by applying new changes to an existing database schema, ensuring the smooth evolution of your database structure.

Installation of Liquibase in Linux

1. Download the installation file .

2. Extract the contents of the file. 3. Add the installation path of Liquibase to your system directory ( ~/.bashrc)

4. Check the version using the command liquibase --version

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##  Get documentation at       ##
##  Get certified courses at  ##
##  Free schema change activity reports at        ##
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Starting Liquibase at 10:54:43 (version 4.19.0 #6648 built at 2023-01-17 15:02+0000)
Liquibase Home: /opt/liquibase
Liquibase Version: 4.19.0
Liquibase Open Source 4.19.0 by Liquibase        

5. Create and configure the file: The file has all the predefined configurations to connect to a particular database. With this, we can avoid entering the properties such as username and password in the command line.

6. Changelog file: We have the changelog file where we write changesets, containing each of the atomic changes that need to be made.

7. Liquibase commands: We have 6 types of commands - update, rollback, snapshot, diff, status, and utility commands.

8. While running Liquibase, it will create two tables for us DATABASECHANGELOG and DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK. DATABASECHANGELOG will track the changes deployed and when we run the commands next time, it will check the changeset and deploy only the new changes. DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK has the information on the Liquibase instance that is updating the database. When multiple instances try to update, it will lock the other instances if an instance is already updating the database.

Best Practices for Liquibase:

  • Keep the Schema Under Version Control: Treat your database schema as code and keep it under version control using a version control system like Git. This ensures that changes are tracked, traceable, and easily reverted if needed.
  • Use Incremental and Atomic Changesets: Break down your database changes into small, atomic changesets. Each changeset should represent a single logical modification to the schema. This approach makes it easier to understand and manage the changes over time.
  • Apply Changesets in a Controlled Manner: Execute changesets in a controlled and repeatable manner. Use Liquibase's capabilities to specify the order of execution, define dependencies between changesets, and ensure that changes are applied consistently across all environments.
  • Automate Database Migrations: Integrate Liquibase into your build process and CI/CD pipelines to automate database migrations. This ensures that migrations are applied consistently and reliably with every deployment, reducing the risk of human error and simplifying the deployment process.
  • Document and Communicate Changes: Maintain proper documentation of your database schema changes. Use Liquibase's features to generate documentation and keep stakeholders informed about the modifications to the schema.

Liquibase empowers developers and teams to effectively manage database schema changes, providing a consistent and reliable approach to database migration. By treating the database schema as code and leveraging Liquibase's version control and automation capabilities, you can simplify collaboration, ensure data integrity, and streamline the deployment process.

Write to us today at [email protected] to learn how CloudifyOps can help streamline your data engineering efforts.


