THE LIONS GATE PORTAL OF 88, 2016                Opens in the Indian Himalayas CAVE OF LIGHT

THE LIONS GATE PORTAL OF 88, 2016 Opens in the Indian Himalayas CAVE OF LIGHT

From the Sacred Heart of Sirius to the Sacred Chamber of The Great Pyramid of Giza and finally, into the Sacred Chamber of the "Cave of Light", in the Himalayas of India.

This is the Retreat of the “Great Divine Director of Authority”, the Director of the Lords of Karma for earth. He is a Lord of the blue Ray One (Ray 1), embodying the quality of Divine Power.

The Lions Gate Portal introduces the 8th Ray to humanity and, anchors its corresponding 8th Chakra into human bodies. The most significant phase 2 of the Portal Opening!

However, no one can simply intent and enter the Cave of Light (COL). It opens only through invitation by the Great Divine Director of Authority. And, one is invited only based upon the preparation level of the initiate. Entry into the COL is considered to be the last destination before the next step into Ascension. An invitation by the Great Divine Director of Authority, to enter his COL, is worth gold by itself! He is an unmatched embodiment of Divine God’s Power in personification!

Many an Ascended Master has entered the COL and frequent this Retreat, one of whom is Saint Germain. In fact, he is a disciple of the Great Divine Director of Authority just as Jesus was Lord Maitrey’s disciple. Lord El Morya and Jesus Christ too studied under the Great Divine Director of Authority. Saint Germain and the Great Divine Director of Authority have a long history together. At the sinking of Atlantis, the Great Divine Director of Authority carried the Violet Flame, from its altar at the temple, to the Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania and anchored it there with the help of Saint Germain, who was then a High Priest in the Temple of the Violet Flame (explained in depth in the eBook; THE VOICE OF SILENCE available only at They together established the “Transylvanian Retreat of the Violet Flame of Freedom”. And Saint Germain was called upon by the Great Divine Director of Authority to hold the focus of the Flame of Freedom and expand It’s Powers upon humanity.


The Great Divine Director of Authority

 “Creation first comes in the form of destruction. It is this essential stage of change and transformation that you now find yourselves.”



Furthermore, the Great Divine Director of Authority is the Director, or Chieftain, of the “Karmic Board” and a member of the “Darjeeling Council” of the Great Cosmic White Brotherhood of God (headed by Lord El Morya). The Great Divine Director of Authority is the sponsored Lord Manu for the New 7th Root Race of the Aquarian Age, just as Saint Germain is the Supreme Commander and Hierarch of the New Age. This once again is elucidated elaborately in the eBook: THE VOICE OF SILENCE (The Galactic Chronicle part 1). He, moreover, within his consciousness holds the scroll of the Divine Plan for every living soul on earth. He is believed to manifest in a form that is 6’4” tall in stature emanating the qualities of Ray 1, with focus upon the Divine Power aspect of the first ray.

The Hierarch of the COL is Lord Chananda. Once the invitation is heard and followed by the initiate, it is Lord Chananda who accompanies the advanced adept, whose soul is enveloped in a shield of protection by angels, shinning with the Violet Light, that guide the soul to the Sacred Chamber of the “Cave of Light” in the ethers of the Indian Himalayas.

Entry into the Cave of Light, as said before, is only for ones who are ready for this last trial before ascension. Otherwise the Door to the COL will not open!

The initiate must have reached complete, unquestionable, irrefutable, surrender of all life and service to the Will of God (aspect of Ray 1). The adept must also have trained in another Retreat to be qualified entry into the COL. If one has reached that place of readiness then the disciple would have, by then, developed the sensitivity to “hear” Divine Directions. One must have been intensely tutored into receiving such hearings. He/she would also have received from God, either directly or through an envoy, the “Rod of Power”, which would have been placed between the Throat Chakra and the Heart Chakra; and been given a “Key of Light” (I would translate that as an Ankh) to guide you to the Divine Directions (which by my understanding is the Will of God). Furthermore, the “Hearing” psychic ability of Clairaudience is a science by itself and doesn’t come easy nor quick. It requires intense inner training to be re-opened to hear God’s Deliverance. And this is why the pre-requisite of having schooled in another retreat is mentioned. Because this advanced, sensitive, training of “hearing” is attained in the Retreat, especially in the “Retreat of the Violet Fire”, overseen by none other than Lord Saint Germain and the Archangels of the Violet Ray, namely: Zadkiel and Amethyst.

It is in this Cave of Light that one’s human form looses its density and duality altogether and, any & all karmic residue still unascended. Thereafter, the body begins to adorn an alchemically transmuted Crystalline Solar Form of Light. The shift from carbon-based to crystal-base takes place here, in the Cave of Light. Not outside. What transpires here is, by then (which implies prior to entry) it is taken that one has already attained a tremendous momentum of Self-Mastery and all this attainment of abundances is thereafter (in the COL) condensed into a nucleus of a crystal. And, with the help of the 8th Ray, released in this Cave, the 8th Chakra is anchored into the Higher Heart. The Higher Heart is in the zone of the esophagus, just above the chest ribs. The body of form therein begins to vibrate at a 33rd Degree of rapid frequency wherein, the body-soul-christ become one merged consciousness. Thus, it is in the Cave of Light; the Retreat of Brotherhood; that the Christ Consciousness is incorporated in the being so you can, thereafter, hold the Christ Consciousness for all of mankind and earth.

Moreover, in the COL, one is further initiated into the Secret 5 Rays of God, unseen before and inapplicable to a human form in the outside world.

In addition, it is in the “Cave of Light” you lose your singular self to a larger all-encompassing mass-self and go beyond being a citizen of a nation, even beyond being a Planetary Citizen into becoming a Galactic Being and a Universal Citizen.

Now we enter into the 2nd phase of this beautiful LionGate Portal of 88:88.

As we have understood the 8th Ray is released in the “Cave of Light” wherein the 8th Chakra is anchored into the initiates body. We know this by now but, however, the LionGate Portal of 88 this year is showering, as a Gift, the 8th Ray release upon all of humanity, everywhere. A grand opportunity to receive the 8th Chakra without having to qualify for it nor having to be invited into the COL by the Great Divine Director of Authority. Grab the Gift and receive the 8th Ray Blessings that shall affix and activate the 8th Higher Heart Chakra into your chest bone area.

With this Chakra and corresponding Ray you move past the Planetary status and enter the Galactic Citizenship upgrade. But most importantly what it does for you, on the body level, is so amazing! This is the Karmic Residue chakra whereby all remaining karmic debris, unascended, is held. It is the Holder of Karmic Residue. Now, when you develop this chakra you have reached the last stage of annihilation of all dualistic dross of the 3rd dimension. Beyond this chakra you walk free of the cycle of karma and reincarnation. No laws of 3rd dimension apply any further. This is the final shedding phase, which is what is undergone in the COL because by then the form is confirmed ready to take on acute discomfort of letting-go of the last threads that have been most difficult and trying to remove for any advanced initiate. And the mettle of the adept has been tested, severely, and his/her surrender is proven complete, beyond any reproach. This only the Great Divine Director of the Karmic Board knows and therefore it is under personal invite only that the soul enters this last stage of evolution before the Ascension of the body begins.

Having said that, once the initiate receives the shower of the 8th Ray and activation of the 8th Chakra, he or she is no longer human. The Sim Card of Psychic Abilities is re-installed into the being. One begins to sharply sensitize to the full blast of spiritual abilities. This is when the Foot Chakra comes in play. Your Foot Chakra must be fully opened to balance excess vibration. It should be fully cleansed and widely ajar.

Now, when the spiritual abilities begin to roll in, it can cause an upsurge of feelings of aloneness, despair, alienation, ungroundedness from earth. That’s why I stress the importance of the Foot Chakra. You may feel your feet are on fire, they hurt if you stand too long. Massage them with essential oils of Rose and Lavender. Use the Rose Quatz crystal to balance and stabilize the Heart Chakra. Engage the Violet Ray and the emerald green Ray 5, as well as the golden Ray 2 to heal the body.

The heightened discomfort you may feel during this period is because of the rush of the 8th Ray and reset of body re calibrations. And not to forget the massive purge of the tough, last, deeply stuck, and stubborn-to-remove debris of karmic imprints of all lifetimes ever since you left the Creator Light to experience yourself as an individualized Spark of Light. So keep in mind your sensitive Foot Chakra whenever the going gets hard. The oils and the crystals.

Also, don’t panic if your heart palpitations begin, the jumping or missing of heart beats as your Higher Heart is being anchored – the 8th Chakra. Which shall bring up very maternal feelings of deep compassion for all and increase your sensitivity to others pain as well. You shall “feel” much more.

Moreover, your Crown Chakra too shall take the strain of this shower as it becomes a two-way meridian of pushing down the Higher Codings of Light and releasing, at the same time, the steam of the rising Kundalini surge like a steam engine in full throttle.

Just a warning to be carefully heeded: please do not activate any others 8th Chakra, or Heart Chakra. Not even by error, lack of memory, or inadvertently.

This is a deep Violet coloured Chakra with pinches of pink and spirals of emerald. The Chohan of the 8th Ray is the Maha Chohan. Its frequency is 8. Its Portal is now the LionsGate of Sirius and the Cave of Light. Its quality is Pure Love, the God’s Aspect of Higher Intelligence Love.

And now the Final Message from the Beings of Sirius, the Lions and Feline Beings, the Lords and Ladies of the Blue Lodge of God's Creative Blue Light to all the Blue Beings of Ray One on earth:

"This is a Special Portal that opens once a year, each year, seeking all Ray One Beings on earth to awaken, transmute, enter the Cave of Light, and get ready to be of help to all on earth. You are the Holders of the Christ Consciousness for all humanity. You are on the singular mission to hold the energy as the Shift takes place. Take full advantage of this Portal, as this is your Path to Home on earth and back. Wear your Mantle of Blue Aura, emanate the Blue Aspect of Ray One of God's Will, His Wisdom, His Power, His Protection. Hold Beloved Archangel's Blue Sword of Annihilation with responsibility. Become Lord El Morya's emanation of God's Will, anchor It on earth, live in it. And feel the Power of the Great Divine Director of Authority as He guides you into Divine Direction of Ascension and Mission. You are the Blue Beings of Ray One! A Ray that has never been anchored on earth afore. Next year is the Year of the Blue Ray One. This is your last destination for full awakening! Hold the Blue Creative Light of God, anchored in Sirius with great focus. Call on us as we can hear you and help is next to you. You are not alone. You are representing God's Will on earth, on our behalf!" ~~~Members of the Blue Lodge of God's Creative Blue Light for the Milky Way Galaxy.

Finally, an extract from the eBook - The Voice of Silence : (

"....Moreover, the concentration of the "7th Root Race" will be established in South America. This great Race is due to come forth for the most part in the South American Continent, and this is because all across Brazil and through that country which is now jungle, the Earth has had some time to rest. Within Earth itself, down to about fifteen feet below its surface, all through and across from Peru to where the Amazon flows out to Rio de Janeiro, the activity of the Violet Fire has already been established. 

In the words of the "Root Manu" of the 7th Root Race,THE GREAT DIVINE DIRECTOR OF AUTHORITY“At the hour of accomplishment, when the Gates of Heaven open, there shall come forth the 1st Sub-race representing the Activity of the Violet Ray of Ceremonial, all equipped with magnificent voices, all able to both precipitate and levitate at the time of birth, with the knowledge of their Heavenly Realm, with no veil between. I represent their god-father, you might say. In my case, I shall not embody because the Earth; through the assistance of the children of the ascended master Saint Germain and the tremendous calls for the Violet Flame; is being purified enough, particularly of the disembodied entities and the souls who would otherwise have to re-embody, and by the removal of all 'Destructive Etheric Records' of the living and the so-called dead. As for myself, I shall materialize at the proper time. I shall not take an infant form but I shall materialize when “Saint Germain's Kingdom” is established on the Earth fully; when humankind, elementals and angels are all joined together in harmony. Then I shall bring in the great numbers of those mighty Beings whom I have fathered and whom I love, and they in turn will enhance the perfection of the “New Golden Age”. 

“At the present there are on the Earth a great number of souls belonging to the Sixth and Seventh Root Races. The cycle is very much delayed. The 5th Root Race (of the Egypt Civilization) especially should have left the Earth for a higher evolution long ago; thus over population, since the 7th Root Race is now destined to enter.   

“With the intense Light, which is increasing daily, and will continue so to do, the inner bodies of the entire Earth . . . are being bathed in the Essence of Divinity. However, the majority of lifestreams embodied here are experiencing turbulent conditions in their beings and worlds. Why have we stressed all these years the constant use of the “Violet Transmuting Flame”, except for the purification of the vehicles of all humankind and all the evolutions of this Earth? 

“Had this blessed activity of Divine Alchemy been used constantly for all life, today much more of the unredeemed karma of the peoples on the planet would not be expressing in conditions of distress. When one encounters imperfect manifestations in their own families or others, do not dwell upon them. To the very best of your ability, accept and use the Violet Transmuting Flame to clean up the imperfection which is brought to your attention.  

“You love the ascended master Saint Germain, of course; but it is time you actively expressed that love by using his gift of the Violet Flame, which is an integral part of his own being. Consciously know that, in this “Age of Freedom”, a tremendous momentum has been built by loyal chelas [students of an ascended master]. The action can be instantaneous, if coupled with the “FAITH” which propels it into action. If one does not have faith in that which he is engaged, manifestation does not occur. You may think you have faith, but until you can let go of the 'ifs' and 'buts', that faith is not expressing in its fullness.   

“Faith is not a half-way measure. You can be sure of that. Faith is a component of the First Ray. In order for the Will of God to express, faith must precede the activity. You have faith in the changing of the seasons, and in the light of the sun. Even though one does not see the sunlight every day, you know the reality of its presence. Each and every individual, through the immortal victorious ?Three-Fold Flame?, carries the quality of faith within them. That faith, in the constructive activities which we point out to you, is ever-present and just waiting to be called into action through the Divine Alchemy of the ?Violet Transmuting Flame?. The time is now drawing near when Perfection must be expressed in its fullness upon this planet. 

“I have been referred to as THE GREAT DIVINE DIRECTOR! Truly, each of you; when you can fully realize and accept that the Christ within is the Directing Intelligence of your being and allow that Christ full freedom to express through you; will become a 'Great Divine Director'. This Name is actually a synonym for the Presence of God within your heart - the Holy Christ Self"

....  The Great Divine Director of Authority, The Lord of Karma for Earth 


Sangeeta Handa


Lynn Robson

Artist at My own

2 年

Has anyone else been experiencing painful feet and standing.? Has become so difficult for me. Burning sensation.? Lost 20 lbs and still loosing.? Strange reading this about feet.? Is this just at lionsgate opening or has been ongoing process?

Rakesh Maniktala

General Manager at BHEL Noida

8 年

Thank you so much...

Steve Nobel

The Soul Matrix.

8 年




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