Meg Walker (Karmic Astrologer)
I can help you gain greater self-knowledge; find direction, identify soul lessons and understand life purpose by uncovering information in your birth chart.
If you were born between 19th and 25th August, you were born right on the cusp between Leo (the Lion) and Virgo (the Virgin), so you will include traits from both of these signs in your personality. This cusp is called The Cusp of Exposure.
The Fixed Fire sign of Leo and the Mutable Earth sign of Virgo are quite different in their characteristics, which brings conflicting energies. There will be a need to avoid extremes and find balance somewhere in the centre.
good leaders????????prefer to follow
enthusiastic??????????need to analyze
energetic??????????????more methodical
loving??????????????????want to serve
need attention??????not very sociable
speak up??????????????stay silent
dramatic??????????????more reserved
When a balanced centre has been found, this combination likes to work hard for good causes, and has the ability to persuade others to join them. They can be direct, decisive, and positive that they will be successful in all their endeavours. They know when to speak out and when to keep quiet. They are hard-working, creative, logical and pay attention to detail.
These personalities need to allow other people to get to know them well. They have a tendency to be stubborn, obsessed about health matters and may take unwise risks, but in general they are cheerful, positive and popular.
Ask me for details of a complete interpretation of your birth chart, according to the principles of Karmic Astrology. Meg Walker BA hons