L.I.O.N.-Is it useless & overrated in Business? Should we add WP to this title?

L.I.O.N.-Is it useless & overrated in Business? Should we add WP to this title?

We see this term next to some who are on linkedin and no it is not them advocating they are like a LION, it means Linked In Open Networker.  It is clear the past 6 months as tons of requests come in to connect to many of us that it is geared toward only building up quantity of connections, not the quality of them. To be exact 265 requests have been seen, filtered, and tagged with some initial action to track the point and purpose of having this title, L.I.O.N. 

The question comes, is it now useless and overrated in Business as well as other professions to even have this title or connect with those who do have this title?  

The answer is it depends on how we all manage those connections whether in business, sales, or another profession.  Here is a process I have put in place as mandatory.  When I get a request to connect I look at the persons title, and background first.

I see if there are any overlaps in professions, connect, with a follow up message right away asking the 2 questions of:  

  1. What initially did you see of value to connect?
  2. How can we help each other progress forward? The key is to let them know it is important to promote quality over quantity and that I am here to help first and foremost.

So what happens after this?  More then half never respond which answers some of those questions with the unspoken.  Those that do respond are tagged as responded with notes on the connection and in many cases when I can, I will un-connect. And some opportunities move forward with new important info gained.

A FAMOUS LION HEAD:   In the late 60's a Lion "re-brand" was created within a Fashion Icon that my mother worked closely with for 23 years, Anne Klein, herself. When the rebranding started in a small fitting room in NYC with Anne, my mom, my aunt Peggy, a few fitting girls, and a young Donna Karan, my mom asked what Anne's sign was?  Anne replied "a Leo" and my mom said "so am I". My mom with a bit of artistic talent as a runway model, drew up some interest in that symbolism of a Leo. Some initial drawings of a Lion head were sent to marketing and PR.  It was finalized and launched being the Lion Head Main you know Anne Klein by today which has of course evolved from this 1960's image.  

That LION was constructed out with purpose, to represent a brand that is strong in brand, mission, and message.   Let's make having the title L.I.O.N. worth it ahead by connecting with purpose and some time invested to each connect, not just the mass numbers.

Be a S.O.A.R. (Successful Online Active Responder) to those LIONS who actually ask questions after you request a connect. Make the connect count! Ask linkedin in feedback to allow us to ask some questions before having to connect; that feature needs to come back to the platform so request it in to make it better!

Feel free to share back some of your feedback:  What is your process as a L.I.O.N. and do you use it to boost numbers or progress relationships in a process driven manner where appropriated?  Has it been of value to you so far? How so? To grow, nourish, and flourish contacts by asking some good questions before you connect is what to take away here.  

Continued success to you in business & in life.  Wish you much prosperity and progression in your life with purpose. Maybe you will be in the first 100.

-TJP   (A Linked In Open Networker, WP - with purpose)


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