The Lion Roars!
Sudhir Kumar
IoD Certified Corporate Director, ESG& DEI Expert #1bestselling author, Risk Analysis, Nuclear Tech &SMRs, Leadership, OD & Team Building, AI,Quantumn & Cyber Secu
1. What a spectacular feat achieved by launching “Make in India (MII)” week on 13 Feb 16 at Mumbai by none other than who conceived and propagated MII Initiative last year leaving no stone un-turned to make it a reality, the PM of India Shri N Modi . It is not mere branding though it has become the biggest brand world over as ever India launched and at 07th place in over all global ranking but also a remarkable progress India has made making this Initiative a reality on grounds. India improved its ranking in ease of doing business during this duration remarkably and also of its economy ratings by various global financial institutions. The kind of response and the deals those have been inked during MII week are encouraging and putting the initiative in a prospective that it has taken off towards its targeted destination. The organizer, the CM and the government of State of Maharashtra deserves all the praise to make it a success. Modi is not only inaugurated it with a befitting speech for the occasion as ever with clear vision that shall certainly have long reach consequences in times ahead but also he requested the business leaders to avail this opportunity with out further wait as it is as was never before in India. The country has come a long way within last 20 months of this government came in to formation and many of its ambitious proramme such as Skill India, Digital India and Financial Inclusion Initiative “Jan Dhan Yojna” that shall have impact on MII in so many ways have also taken off equally well in the right direction. The government plans to converge these multiple Initiatives such as Start-UP India, Skill India and Digital India to give boost to manufacturing.So, the dividends are many and before I list them I shall touch upon what all MII represents or it is comprised of as lot of discussions are taking place about MII in social, print as well as in TV media.I believe firmly that Make in India initiative strikes at the root of the critical shortcomings in manufacturing specially the high value capture in India and it shall create greater value addition in terms of more jobs to contribute in inclusive & sustainable growth of the country.
2. Make in India is having under its wings, the Make for India, Make by India, Invent in India, Design in India, India Innovates or Innovation in India, R&D in India or so many more such other arguments or points of discussions those are being floated in media and made part of ongoing debate or written articles as well. Make in India is launched broadly to make India a hub for manufacturing, so that its contribution to GDP improves to 25% by 2022 from existing 12 %. To achieve that, a strong brand is launched and PM has done an outstanding job along with so many other personnel in his government in his team in such a short duration to make it what it is today and it shall be further made stronger in days ahead and I don’t have any doubt in my mind that it shall become number one global brand shortly due to his government consistent efforts under his direction and a plan that has been drawn with a clear vision.
3. We all know that India was / is biggest importer of Defence weapons & equipment's and high tech electronics in the world and lot of country budget was going to cater the same. On the the other side the manufacturing in the country was not addressed the way it should have been, so it went down consistently in last 07 decades to a very low level though it had a potential to contribute a greater share to the country GDP & also to provide the employment to a large number of people. It is pertinent to mention that India is likely to consume high-tech electronics worth $400 Bn by 2020 and it shall be importing items worth $300 Bn out of it, so a bill that is going to exceed the oil imports. Also, India was likely to import weapons worth $200 Bn for its defence forces during the same period.So, there was always a challenge how to do it and arrest such a large scale import to have a balance in EXIM and side by side how to bring back the manufacturing in to main stream of economy so that it becomes a strong pillar to sustain economy. The PM himself took up this challenge and initiated MII programme last year and brought it to the stage where it is going to pay rich dividends towards improving the economy of the country with a desired mix and also contributing in some way for ensuring equality & sustainability to global economy.Hence, it could easily be concluded that there exists a huge opportunity for manufacturing in India including high tech systems,equipment's and products for local consumption as well as for export. It was felt by the PM at right time with out wasting time that it is never too late to start manufacturing as India could be hub for making sensors, robots, wearable devices along with state of art heavy weaponry and precision electronics equipment's. Stand Up India -Start Up India (SUI-SUI)Initiative was also launched so that ancillary industries in MS ME segment could along with big industries be made part of this transition to convert India in to a manufacturing hub globally with its robust competitiveness.India with this campaign SUI-SUI as part of MII is keen to create best ecosystems for its entrepreneurs and enter in to hi-tech manufacturing.The mission is also to create 100 Mn jobs by 2022.
4. It is further stated that the "Zero Defect-Zero Effect" Initiative is also launched as part of MII or in support so that the quality & green energy is given due importance in manufacturing process so that there is no pollution and only quality products hit the market. Leaner-Cleaner & Greener could also be considered a part of the same initiative.It needs to be understood clearly that MII will have manufacturing thrust and focus on innovation & design to boost productivity & efficiency.
5. As far as leaner is concerned I would like to suggest GOI that we need to focus adequately on the leaner part of it by introducing digitization in manufacturing and India need to avail this opportunity and shift focus now itself at the onset of this initiative towards "Circular Economy". so it has to include waste management with zero discharge & pollution and on the other side using only renewable energy as an essential part of it along with using resources in a closed loop systems that is by recycling the disposed items, so that manufacturing is based on recycling the disposables in to raw material again to support manufacturing of new products so that sustainability could be ensured for a long run. It is need less to mention it here in details as Circular Economy itself is a topic which needs a dedicated blog on it. There are many examples including Indian Manufacturing Industries in Global competition and so is the case as many country have moved towards it and making full throttle attempts to adopt the concept of "Circular Economy" as an essential part of its manufacturing.So, it is the best time for India to start with this concept in its MII campaign. If it is incorporated it shall provide at least 10 million jobs by 2022 in manufacturing itself in India. It is to be noted that one fifth of world material extraction becomes a waste each year so it is not sustainable,hence, reuse & recycling to the best possible capabilities should be made part of our economy now itself otherwise the opportunity shall be lost.
6. Those who wants to do R&D, designing, invention, innovation or disruption in any way associated with manufacturing by use of latest disruptive technologies such as nano-technology & 3-D designing or automation –such as use of robotics, are welcome to contribute in this initiative by becoming an integral & essential part of this campaign as it shall elevate India as a manufacturing hub and be competitive globally due to low cost and having India situated at a strategic point for global maritime trade. The MII is a mission in the interest of India and it must succeed at the earliest. The industrialists & businessmen must recognize the importance of winning trust and confidence of people so that MII shall progress at desired speed. It is indeed a fact that India's ambition is to grow at high rates and this necessitates that good politics and good governance converge. The government has to see to it that necessary legislation's enabling passes in the parliament as it shall make way for GST, IPR Policy and Bankruptcy Code those are so essential for the industry to do well. So, I wish all the best to MII and to all those who are going to make use of this opportunity in India. The Lion Roars !. Jai Hind.