Program: Tour Operation Supervision (level IV)

Module name: Module title: Interpreting Aspects of Ethiopian Tourism Heritages

Module Code: CST TUS1 01 09 12

Reflection paper on – Interpreting aspects of Ethiopian Tourism Heritages

Submitted to: Dr. Ayalew (Course Instructor)

?By: Demelash Neda Meretu??????ID: GSR/9725/14

August 2022

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


I want to thank my God who helped me still now, and then I would like to thank my advisor. Dr. Ayalew, for his generous support in writing this reflection paper. Without their help, none of this work could have been undertaken. I would also like to thank my colleague Shimeles Ajema. I want to thank the Oromo culture center for its unfailing encouragement and support. I want to thank Mekonen Mengesha ?Ph.D. student at Addis Ababa University, for his generously giving time, advice, help, and support in the correction of the paper. Finally, I want to thank Yohannes Tsegaye for being my friend.


Contents ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Page

Acknowledgements. i



1.1Historical Background of the Paper. 1

Conclusions. 25



The Oromia National Regional state has committed itself to the enhancement of the scientific studies and developments of Oromo culture, language, history, and art as one of its priority areas. In order to achieve these objectives, the regional state established the Oromo Cultural Center in 2014/15 in Finfinne,?Legahar.

The main focus of the building design concept was, architecturally to realize a complex which will be utilized to research, record, preserve, develop and make the Oromo culture socio-economically more beneficial. In view of that, the Oromo cultural Center primarily proposed to have the function of a powerful cultural connection between symbols of cultural achievements. The complex is composed of different functional department units including Museum, Theater & Cinema hall, Conference & meeting hall, Public library, Art & Music training center, Appraisal hall with 500 seats, Research departments, Restaurant and other recreational areas.

In the construction, some symbolic features of 3D sculptures and Oromo cultural reliefs are also included. Those concrete Stella have been set up around the Complex and display various notions of Oromo culture. The central square fountain pool with its number 8 shapes and the five entrance steps symbolize the years of the Gada power transition and the parties in the Gada system respectively. The Odaa tree which remains wet even during a long period of drought is sculptured in the circular buildings.

The establishment of the Oromo culture center should be treated as multi-purpose: on the one hand as an intrinsic value, secondly as a real factor of regional development leading to increased attractiveness of regions for tourists, thirdly, as an active factor of social development based on knowledge, tolerance, and creativity. So, the establishment of Oromo culture in a center at Finfinnee city has its own impact on the economic and social development of the people since it strengthens social integration, a symbol of national identity, preserves local bonds, and comprises a basis of initiating cooperation and human communication with their own language. In addition to this, it supports the economy by attracting foreign currency from tourists who visited the Museum, Cafeteria, and the whole amusement areas of the center.?

?Oromia?Culture and Tourism?Bureau

Oromia?Culture and Tourism Bureau?is a government institution of the Oromia regional state?responsible for researching, preserving, developing, and promoting the culture?and tourist attractions of Oromia?and its people. In doing so the bureau closely works together with different stakeholders.

The mission of the Bureau:

Ensuring the region’s contribution to the country’s prosperity through research, development, and promotion of culture and tourism resources.

The vision of the Bureau:?

Making Oromiaa preferred tourist destination and hub of cultural experiences

Values of the Bureau

  • Observance of cultural value
  • Good work culture
  • Industriousness
  • Quality service
  • Hospitality
  • Accountability
  • Transparency
  • Participatory

The Bureau has one subordinate body, The Oromo Cultural Center which was established in 2007 E.C.

As Oromia is endowed with cultural and natural tourist attractions, including?one World intangible cultural Heritage, The bureau publicizes the region's resources of tourist attractions and encourages the development of tourist facilities. but?the Oromia Culture and Tourism bureau still struggles to attract tourists owing to underdeveloped infrastructure and does not have any cohesive tourism development or promotion strategy. As a result, most tourists pass over to neighboring regions and countries.

Mandate and Responsibility

Oromia Culture and Tourism Bureau was established in 1998 E.C by proclamation No’ 132/2000 of Oromia National Regional State Council called Chafe. Currently, this mandate has undergone some revisions and updates to redefine roles and responsibilities of the Bureau by proclamation No’ 213/2011 E.C of the region’s council. Accordingly the Bureau has the following mandates, roles and responsibilities:

  1. Primarily, work to develop Oromo’s’ language, history and art; support those who conduct study on Oromo’s’ language, history and art; work in collaboration with concerned bodies to incorporate in regular curriculum.
  2. Work in collaboration with those who participate in standardizing Afan Oromo to minimize dialect differences, with and support any body which works to make Afan Oromo a universal language by minimizing dialect difference in Afan Oromo,
  3. Create awareness within the society to avoid harmful practices and co-operate with other bodies to do so,
  4. Work on the expansion of the tourism industry to contribute to the economic development of the country and enhance community participation;
  5. Establish a system to collect, record, classify archives in the region and make them accessible for research and study. Work on the historical archive system?of the region by collecting, registering, organizing historical archives; make them accessible for research and studies, and to improve potential?touristic values of the region,
  6. Collect, organize and disseminate information regarding culture and tourism in the region,
  7. Promote and encourage Oromo’s art and skills such as performing art, literary art, visual art; and give licenses to art producers;
  8. Conserve and preserve palaces, historical heritages and memorial monuments and also delivery ?necessary support;
  9. Provide training and consultation?for culture and tourism organizations to enhance their work?undertaking capacity,
  10. Support and facilitate condition for foundation and self-reliance of music bands;?
  11. Follow any tourism activities carried out in the region; co-operate with concerned body to create conducive tourism service;
  12. Follow, control the promotional materials in the region in line with ethics and custom of Oromo; avoid writing errors and take regulation based decisions,
  13. Ensure that pictures, names and symbols of trademarks do not conflict with the ethics and values of historical heritages of the region.
  14. Work with governmental and societal cultural organizations to develop museums, cultural centers, archives and libraries, theatre and film halls and facilitate conditions to register and license these institutions,
  15. Create a system to make research and registration of natural and manmade heritages; rank, develop, conserve, repair, license and control the movement of heritages,
  16. Encourage other bodies those contribute to the development of the Oromo Culture and Tourism sector; give recognition and awards,
  17. Demarcate the boundaries of historical, cultural, religious places and natural resources; Conserve, develop and work with concerned bodies,
  18. Facilitate conditions to establish councils, associations and clubs of culture and tourism??at different levels and support them;
  19. Survey and identify natural and man-made tourist attractions and demarcate their boundaries according to zonal tourism; formulate regulations for their development,
  20. Formulate criteria for service rendering culture and tourism organizations; issue, renew and cancel licences, provide training services with concerned bodies,technical support and supervision, control, and rank them within concerned bodies,
  21. Create favourable conditions for society to participate in the tourism services so that society gains benefits from tourism; support them;
  22. Expand infrustructure and facilities for tourist attraction and historical heritage sites; work with concerned bodies for their success;
  23. Work with concerned bodies to promote culture and tourism resources of the region at national and international level,
  24. Create awareness of protection of cultural and natural tourism resources of the region; promote investment opportunities and work with concerned bodies,
  25. Evaluate culture and tourism investment projects; provide techical support and comments for the concerned bodies ; follow-up their activities,
  26. Make assessments on the names of junctions and streets found in zones, towns, districts, kebeles and Organizations with concerned bodies to revert to their original (prior) names; take corrective measures and follow-up its implementation,
  27. Provide suggestions for concerned bodies regarding the income and fee for special tourist attraction sites; take into action after assured.

Stakeholders?of OCTB,

  • Ethiopian Tourism Organization
  • Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sport
  • Federal Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage
  • Ethiopian?Wildlife Conservation Authority
  • Oromia Forest and Wildlife Enterprise
  • Oromia Natural Resource and Rural Land Administration Bureau
  • Oromia Investment Commission
  • Oromia Urban Development and Housing?Bureau
  • Oromia Planning and Economic Development Commission
  • Oromia Finance and Economic Development Cooperation Bureau
  • Micro and Small Scale Enterprises Agency
  • Zonal, District/Woreda, and Town Administrations
  • Federal Catering and Tourism Training Center
  • Oromia Vocational and Technical Training Agency
  • Universities and Colleges
  • Destination Management Bodies
  • Accommodation and Food Service Providers (enterprises) or institutions
  • National and regional Tour Operators and guides
  • Local Community in the vicinity of the destination.
  • Embassies and Consular Offices


1.1Historical Background of the Study


Oromia: The Gifted Land of Culture and Nature

Oromia Regional National State, Straddling the very heart of Ethiopia, is blessed with an abundance of cultural and natural assets of high touristic value. It is the land of astonishing natural beauty offering all sorts of landscape scenery that range from semi-desert steppe to afro-alpine highlands soaring as high as 4377m. Its scenery, natural beauty, and terrain are ascribable to mountain massifs, peaks, river gorges, natural moist tropical forests, magnificent waterfalls, and various lakes.

The majestic natural beauty and wonders of the land, the range of fauna and flora, the wild animals, the multifarious cultural colors, and the history of the Oromo people, their wisdom, tolerance, and hospitality make Oromiya breathtakingly beautiful. Moreover, one of the world’s biggest and most marvelous caves, Sof Umar, one of the biggest and most wonderful alpine parks of Africa, Bale Mountains National Park, the paradise of birds and of their watchers, and the Rift Valley Lakes Region, one of the spots of the cradle of mankind, Malka Qunture, several churches, monasteries, shrines, mosques, places of cultural ceremonies like the famous democratic Geda System of the Oromo people which inscribed as intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO make Oromiya one of the most preferred tourist destinations in Ethiopia as well as in the world.

Make a spectacular journey to this land of richest history; majestic natural and cultural beauties of highest splendor, and make an unforgettable discovery of lifetime

Oromia is one of the ten national regional states of Ethiopia. Having an area of 364,219 km2??Oromia National Regional State is one of the largest Regional States. With its huge landmass, it possesses immense natural and cultural resources with touristic significance.

Location: Oromia occupies the Central, Eastern, Western, and Southern parts of Ethiopia. It extends from 30 24’20’’ N to 100 23’26’’N and from 340 7’37’’E to420 58’ 51’E.

Boundaries: Oromia has a long borderline of about 6232.9 Kms touching all the regional states in Ethiopia, except the state of Tigray.?It shares international borderlines with Sudan and Kenya.

Population:?The population of the region is estimated to be 39,029,132 accounting to the Oromia Planning commission 2012 E.C report.

Government: Headed by a president, who is elected by the council of state (Chafe Oromia), The region is divided into 21 administrative zones, 19 city administrations, 336 districts, and more than 6,431 rural kebeles and 743 urban?Kebeles.

Capital city:??The capital city of the Regional State of Oromia is Finfine (Addis Ababa) which is the capital to the country also.

Topography and Climate:?Oromia is a region of great physiographic diversity. Its landscape includes high and rugged mountain ranges, an undulating plateau, panoramic gorges with deeply incised river valleys, and rolling plains. Rising from less than 500 meters above sea level to high ranges that culminate in Mt. Batu (4607 m) the highest peak of the region. It is endowed with varied relief features which in turn accentuate varied and amiable climatic conditions and other rich natural resource bases.

Oromia is a remnant part of the high and extensive Afro-Arabian plateau formed from continued uplift, rifting, and subsequent volcanic piles. High relief of over 1500m is dominant. The climatic types prevailing in the region may be grouped into 3 major categories: the dry climate, tropical rainy climate, and temperate rainy climate. The dry climate is characterized by poor sparse vegetation with an annual mean temperature of 27°C to 39°C, and a mean annual rainfall of less than 450 mm. The hot semi-arid climate means annual temperature varies between 18°C and 27°C. It has a mean annual rainfall of 410-820 mm with noticeable variability from year to year. Highlands of Oromia experience a temperate climate of moderate temperature, (mean temperature of the coolest month is less than 18oc) and ample precipitation (1200-2000mm).

Media:?there are government TV stations OBN and radio stations of FM and MW in Amharic, Afan Oromo and English languages.

Newspapers published in Afan Oromo are the weekly Barisa, and Kalacha Oromia, while several government and private newspapers are also published in Amharic, English, and Arabic, these include the daily Addis Zaman, Ethiopian Herald, and many others.

Major Religions:?Christianity and Islam are the major religions while there are also traditional beliefs.

Energy Sources:?Oromia has a high potential for hydropower development. Untouched energy in geothermal, natural coal, and solar are found in the region. At present, the greatest percentage of the hydroelectric power of Ethiopia comes from?the Koka, Finch, Melka-Wakena, Gibe, and?Sor power?stations of the region. The total installed capacity of Integrated hydro electricity generating stations in the region amounts to 367,120 kW of which 360,200 (98.1%) and 6920 (1.9%) are hydro and thermal respectively. On the other hand, the total installed capacity of the self-contained system (SCS) in 1993/94 is 12,759 kw of which 5,510 (43.2%) and 7,249 (56.8%) are hydro and thermal respectively.?Gilgel Gibe is another hydroelectric power source from this region. Generally, most of the rivers in the state have immense hydroelectric power potential.

Economy: As nature extravagantly endowed it with diverse agroecological zones, Oromia has a dominant position in Ethiopia’s economy being the leading producer of?coffee, cereals, fruits, oil seeds, vegetables,?cotton, flowers, sugar cane, tea, and spices.

Transport and Communication:?Road transport which is the main means of transportation, covers about 90% of the passengers in the region. All the roads to the main cities and towns of Oromia radiate from Addis Ababa/Finfinnee. The coverage of asphalt roads is 5,092 km, all-weather roads 42,012, and gravel roads is 17,750 in the region.


  • Gada System, UNESCO inscribed as an indigenous democratic socio-political system
  • Yayo biosphere reserve forest UNESCO registered
  • Bale mountains national park
  • Dire Shiek Husein Shrine, tentatively enlisted in UNESCO
  • Sof Umar Cave, tentatively enlisted in UNESCO
  • The Pre-Historic Archeological & Paleontological Site of Melka Kunture, tentatively enlisted in UNESCO
  • Endemic mammals and birds:


  • Mountain Nyala…………….Exclusive to Oromia
  • Bale monkey………………….Exclusive to Oromia
  • Giant mole rat ……………...Exclusive to Oromia
  • Swayne’s hartebeest…………….Exclusive to Oromia & SPNN
  • Menilik bushbuck …………….Exclusive to Oromia & Amhara
  • Chalada baboon…………….Exclusive to Oromia & Amhara
  • Ethiopian wolf …………….Exclusive to Oromia & Amhara

??Birds, all are exclusive to Oromia?

  • Liban Lark
  • Stressmann’s Bush Craw
  • White Tailed Swallow
  • Prince Respell’s Turaco
  • Black-Fronted Francolin
  • World renowned athletes like Abebe Bikila, Mamo Wolde, Darartu Tullu, Haile G/Silasie, Kenenisa Bekele, Trunesh Dibaba and sisters, Birhane Adere, Fatuma Roba….and many others
  • Coffee Arabica


???????????Oromo Cultural Center, Addis Ababa,

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