Linux Kernel Series - 12 - GDB Part 3 - Kernel Debugging

Linux Kernel Series - 12 - GDB Part 3 - Kernel Debugging

Hello Everyone, hope you are all doing great. I am back with another exciting article in the Linux Kernel Series by the name

"GDB Part - 3 - Kernel Debugging".

In the previous articles, we have seen various ways to debug our program using "On the system GDB", "GDB Remote Server" and we have learned various mechanisms and commands of the GDB to debug and identify bugs and issues in our programs efficiently.

In this article, we will discuss the setup of the GDB to debug the Linux Kernel and Kernel Modules LKM using Serial Connection. Many times when we are developing the code, there will be necessity to debug for identifying the bugs and issues. But keeping print statements always is not a viable solution. This is even problematic in the kernel space as too many "printk" statements will lead to other problems. So to effectively debug the kernel code and kernel modules (LKM) code we need to debug it with the help of GDB. This article aims to give the entire details from setup to debug.

So lets dive into the exciting topic without any further delay

??Hardware and Connections

For this example, I am using BeagleBoneBlack, but you can use any of your SoC Platforms. The connection and setup diagram is shown below.

Setup Diagram of BBB and Linux Laptop via Router

In the above diagram we can see that the BeagleBoneBlack is connected to upstream router via Ethernet. Linux Laptop is connected to the same router via Ethernet/WIFI and Linux Laptop is connected to BeagleBoneBlack UART Pins

??Enabling KGDB in BeagleBone Black OS

The first step to debug the kernel is to enable the KGDB support. Since I am building the OS of the BeagleBoneBlack in buildroot, I will be making the necessary changes in buildroot configuration. Please see the configurations given in the screenshot below. You need to adapt the similar configurations if you are using "OpenWRT", "Yocto" or any other build system.

  • Enter the Kernel Configuration by entering the following command in buildroot

# This command is to configure the Linux Kernel in Buildroot
make linux-menuconfig        

Note that I am NOT using "make menuconfig" command.

  • Enable KGDB

Enable KGDB in the Kernel menuconfig

  • Enable KGDB - Serial Console Support

Enable KGDB - Serial Console

  • Enable Frame Pointer support

Enable Frame Pointers support

  • Enable Magic SysRq key

Enable Magic SysRq Key

  • Enable Debug Information

Enable Debug Information

  • Disable Reduce Debugging information
  • Disable Compressed debugging information

After making these changes, build the entire image and transfer to BeagleBoneBlack. You can confirm if the debug symbols are enabled in the kernel by running the following command after the build is success

file output/build/linux-custom/vmlinux        
vmlinux build with debug_info

In my build, vmlinux size was around 300+ MB by enabling the debug symbols.

??Sample Kernel Module Program to debug - sammy.c

Now we need a kernel module to debug, so let's build a very small kernel module with kthread implementation, where it prints a variable "i" value for every 1 second.

  • sammy.c - Kernel Module Source Code

#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/kthread.h>

static struct task_struct *thread;

static int my_thread_function(void *data){
	int i = 0;
		printk(KERN_INFO "SAMMY: I value is: %d", i++);
	return 0;

int __init sammy_module_init(void){
	printk(KERN_INFO "SAMMY: Module init");
	thread = kthread_run(my_thread_function, NULL, "sammy_thread");
		printk(KERN_ERR "SAMMY: Failed to launch the kthread");
		return -1;
	return 0;

void __exit sammy_module_exit(void){
		printk(KERN_INFO "SAMMY: kthread stopped");
	printk(KERN_INFO "SAMMY: Module exit");


MODULE_AUTHOR("G. Naveen Kumar");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Sample kernel module for gdb debugging");

  • Makefile - with -g -DDEBUG enabled

ccflags-y := -g -DDEBUG
	$(MAKE) -C $(LINUX_DIR) M=$(PWD) modules

	$(MAKE) -C $(LINUX_DIR) M=$(PWD) clean        

NOTE: Please see the above make file where the "-g" option is enabled

??Compile and Transfer the kernel module to the BeagleBoneBlack

After the compilation is completed, transfer the kernel module "sammy.ko" file to the BeagleBoneBlack and insert it with "insmod" command. You can use "scp" or "tftp" to transfer the module via Ethernet connection of BBB.

# insert the kernel module
insmod sammy.ko        

??BeagleBoneBlack Setup to enable KGDB

KGDB can be enabled in two ways

  1. Boot time: By adding the option "kgdboc=ttyS0,115200 kgdbwait" to the file "output/images/extlinux/extlinux.conf" generated by buildroot. This file will be loaded at boot time and KGDB will be enabled
  2. Runtime using /sys/module/kgdboc: You can enable the KGDB at runtime by passing the respective serial tty to the kgdboc.

Please use the following method to enable the kgdboc at runtime. kgdboc stands for "kgdb over console".

# If you have changed the ttyS0 to any other during build, you need # to provide the respective tty number here

cd /sys/module/kgdboc/parameters
echo ttyS0 > kgdboc        

You should get the following output, when you register ttyS0 to the kgdboc

Confirming that the I/O driver is registered for kgdboc

??Get the .text section address of sammy.ko LKM to load the symbols in GDB

.text section address

In the above screenshot we can see the .text section address. We need this address to load the symbols and let GDB know where to look for the symbols.

??Host System Setup with GDB - gdb-multiarch

We need to use the gdb-multiarch for this purpose, as we are debugging ARM architecture from x86_64 system. Use the following command to launch the gdb-multiarch

gdb-multiarch output/build/linux-custom/vmlinux -tui        

Here the second argument is the vmlinux location, that is build with debug symbols enabled. Upon executing this command you will see the following screenshot.

gdb-multiarch launch with vmlinux build with debug symbols

  • Load the sammy.ko symbol table

Use the following command in the gdb to load the symbol table of the sammy.ko LKM module

# 2nd argument is the path where sammy.ko is built. (This path is on # buildroot) 
# 3rd argument is the .text address read from loading the LKM

add-symbol-file output/build/sammykernelmodules-1.0/sammy.ko 0xbf0a1000        
Screenshot showing the symbol table is loaded for sammy.ko

  • Setup the target architecture - arm

# Execute the following command in gdb
set architecture arm        

For RaspberryPI 3 32bit - "set architecture arm"

For RaspberryPI 5 64bit - "set architecture aarch64"

For Qualcomm Oak and Hawkeye - "set architecture aarch64"

For BananaPI 64bit - "set architecture aarch64"

Architecture set to ARM

  • Set the Serial connection Baud Rate

# Execute in GDB shell
set serial baud 115200        

This is the end of all the setup instructions that are needed to setup GDB to debug Kernel and Kernel Modules on BeagleBoneBlack.

??Start the Debugging

Let's start the main event of this entire article. DEBUGGING.

Execute the following commands as mentioned one by one. Please note in the code snippet, I will mention where to run these commands. i.e., in Host or BBB

  • Trigger the KGDB

# Command 1: BBB
echo g > /proc/sysrq-trigger        
Screenshot confirming KGDB is triggered


  • Attach GDB to KGDB over console

# Command 2: GDB
target remote /dev/ttyUSB0        

This command will attach the GDB to the kernel and you will get the following output

GDB Attached to KGDB

  • Create a breakpoint in our LKM

Once the GDB is attached, let's create the breakpoint to stop the execution when it reaches in our LKM Code. For this example, I am keeping the breakpoint at line number 12 of the code.

12: printk(KERN_INFO "SAMMY: I value is: %d", i++);        

Type the following command in the GDB console

b sammy.c:12        

My source code file name is sammy.c, and when I loaded the symbol table this path is also available. Change the file name as per your customisation. Once you have issued the command, the breakpoint is created as shown in the screenshot below.

Breakpoint at line number 12 in sammy.c file

Confirm the breakpoints information with the following command

# Command 3: GDB
info breakpoints        

  • Continue the Kernel execution to trigger our breakpoint

Give the next command to the GDB shell by pressing "n" on the keyboard and your breakpoint in the LKM will be triggered as shown in the screenshot below

Custom breakpoint triggered in GDB

If you have got the same screenshot in your system, when you are debugging, then you have done an awesome job. You have successfully used GDB to debug the LKM modules in the Linux Kernel.

Really awesome and good job...

Kudos ??????????????????????????????????????

After this, you can run the GDB commands like "n", "s", "print", "c" etc., and debug your program.

??Important Points to note

Using this method, you can debug the code of Linux Kernel or LKM modules effectively. If you are facing few issues such as "ReplyTimeout", "Incorrect Symbols" or any other errors, then kindly check the following things

  1. Your architecture should match in the GDB as per the SoC (ARM, AARCH64 etc.,)
  2. Set the Serial console baud rate correctly
  3. Generate the vmlinux with debug symbols
  4. Make sure to use the correct /dev/ttyS0 on the SoC to enable KGDB
  5. Make sure to exit from Serial Console Programs such as Minicom or Screen before running "target" command in GDB


Hope you have enjoyed this article and understood the process of debugging Kernel modules and Linux Kernel with GDB. If you like these articles, kindly subscribe to the LinkedIn Articles and my YouTube Channel for exciting information related to technology.

I will soon be back with another exciting article, till then

"Stay Happy, Stay Safe and wish you an exciting programming experience..."

See you all soon, thanks and bye.




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