Linux is made up of configuration files, if you want to change anything then you change these configuration files.

On Windows, you have C: drive and that is what we consider the root. On Linux we have / this is where we are going to find the important folders on our Linux system.

  • /bin - Short for binary, the bin folder is where our binaries that your system needs, executables and tools will mostly be found here.

  • /boot - All the files your system needs to boot up. How to boot up, and what drive to boot from.

  • /dev - You can find device information here, this is where you will find pointers to your disk drives sda will be your main OS disk.

  • /etc Likely the most important folder on your Linux system, this is where the majority of your configuration files are.

  • /home - this is where you will find your user folders and files. We have our vagrant user folder. This is where you will find your Documents and Desktop folders that we worked in for the commands section.

  • /lib - We mentioned that /bin is where our binaries and executables live, and /lib is where you will find the shared libraries for those.

  • /media - This is where we will find removable devices.

  • /mnt - This is a temporary mount point. We will cover more here in the next storage section.

  • /opt - Optional software packages. You will notice here that we have some vagrant and virtual box software stored here.

  • /proc - Kernel & process information, similar to /dev

  • /root - To gain access you will need to sudo into this folder. The home folder for root.

  • /run -Placeholder for application states.

  • /sbin - Sudo bin, similar to the bin folder but these tools are intended for elevated superuser privileges on the system.

  • /tmp - temporary files.

  • /usr - If we as a standard user have installed software packages it would generally be installed in the /usr/bin location.

  • /var - Our applications get installed in a bin folder. We need somewhere to store all of the log files this is /var


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