Here is a list of some commonly used Linux commands:

  1. ls - list the files and directories in the current directory
  2. cd - change the current directory
  3. pwd - print the current working directory
  4. mkdir - make a new directory
  5. rmdir - remove an empty directory
  6. cp - copy a file or directory
  7. mv - move or rename a file or directory
  8. rm - remove a file
  9. touch - create a new empty file
  10. chmod - change the permissions of a file or directory
  11. sudo - execute a command as the superuser
  12. man - display the manual for a command
  13. cat - concatenate and display the contents of a file
  14. grep - search for a pattern in a file or stream of data
  15. find - search for files and directories
  16. head - display the beginning of a file
  17. tail - display the end of a file
  18. sort - sort the lines of a file
  19. uniq - remove duplicate lines from a file
  20. wc - count the number of lines, words, and bytes in a file
  21. tar - create and extract archive files
  22. gzip - compress or decompress files
  23. gunzip - decompress files that have been compressed with gzip
  24. bzip2 - compress or decompress files
  25. bunzip2 - decompress files that have been compressed with bzip2
  26. zip - compress or decompress files
  27. unzip - decompress files that have been compressed with zip
  28. ssh - connect to a remote machine over a secure shell
  29. scp - copy files between two computers over a secure shell
  30. rsync - synchronize files between two computers
  31. ping - send a test message to a remote computer to see if it is reachable
  32. traceroute - trace the path that a packet takes to a remote computer
  33. netstat - display information about network connections
  34. dig - perform DNS lookups
  35. host - perform DNS lookups
  36. nslookup - perform DNS lookups
  37. whois - look up information about a domain name
  38. top - display information about processes running on the system
  39. ps - display information about processes
  40. kill - terminate a process
  41. df - display information about available disk space
  42. du - display information about the space used by directories
  43. free - display information about free and used memory
  44. uptime - display the system uptime and load averages
  45. uname - display information about the system
  46. lsb_release - display information about the Linux distribution
  47. dmesg - display the kernel message log
  48. journalctl - display the system journal
  49. last - display information about recent system logins
  50. who - display information about users currently logged in to the system
  51. w - display information about users currently logged in to the system and their processes
  52. reboot - reboot the system
  53. shutdown - shut down the system
  54. init - control the system initialization process
  55. systemctl - control the system and services
  56. mount - mount a file system
  57. umount - unmount a file system
  58. fdisk - partition a disk
  59. parted - partition a disk
  60. gparted - partition a disk (graphical user interface)
  61. chown - change the owner of a file or directory
  62. chgrp - change the group ownership of a file or directory
  63. passwd - change the password for a user
  64. su - switch to a different user
  65. adduser - add a new user to the system
  66. userdel - delete a user from the system
  67. groupadd - add a new group to the system
  68. groupdel - delete a group from the system
  69. visudo - edit the sudoers file (configuration for who can use the sudo command)
  70. apt-get - package manager for Debian-based systems (e.g., Ubuntu)
  71. yum - package manager for Red Hat-based systems (e.g., CentOS)
  72. dnf - package manager for Fedora
  73. pacman - package manager for Arch Linux
  74. emerge - package manager for Gentoo Linux
  75. zypper - package manager for openSUSE
  76. rpm - install, query, verify, and delete software packages
  77. make - build software from source code
  78. gcc - GNU C compiler
  79. g++ - GNU C++ compiler
  80. gdb - GNU debugger

this is just a small selection of the many commands available in Linux. You can learn more about these and other commands by consulting the manual pages (using the man command) or by doing online research.


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