Linux Command

ls - List directory contents

ls ls -l # Long listing format

ls -a # Show hidden files

cd - Change directory cd ..

# Go up one level cd ~

# Go to the home directory

pwd - Print working directory


mkdir - Create a new directory.

mkdir new_folder

rm - Remove files or directories.

rm file.txt # Remove a file

rm -r folder_name # Remove a directory recursively

cp - Copy files or directories

cp file.txt /destination

cp -r folder_name /destination

mv - Move or rename files

mv file.txt /destination # Move file

mv oldname.txt newname.txt # Rename file

touch - Create an empty file

touch file.txt

cat - View the content of a file

cat file.txt

find - Search for files and directories

find /path -name "filename"

top - Display real-time processes and system resource usag


ps - View currently running processes

ps aux

kill - Terminate a process by its PID

kill <PID>

df - Check disk space usage

df -h

du - Check directory size

du -sh folder_name

free - Display memory usages.

free -h

Permission and Ownership:

chmod 755 file.txt

chmod +x #Make a script executable

chown - Change file Ownership:

chown user:group file.txt


ping - test network connectivity


curl - Fetch data from a URL


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