Linux Command and Explanation
Suraj Mane
DevOps Engineer | AWS | Terraform | Git-GitHub | CI/CD Jenkins | Docker | Kubernetis | Grafana | Jira | Ansible | Linux | Maven | Bash Scripting |
1. cd
2 cd.
3 mkdir
4 touch
5 cp
6 mv
7 service httpd start
8 service httpd stop
9 service httpd status
10 yum install
11 yum list install
12 history
13 ls
14 ls -l
15 ls -a
16 pwd
17 rmdir
18 rm -rf
19 cat
20 cat >
21 cat >>
22 vi
23 vim
24 nano
25 hostname
26 hostname -i
27 ifconfig
28 user add
29 groupadd
30 cat /etc/passwd
31 cat /etc/group
32 mkdir -p
33 gpasswd -a
34 gpasswd -M
35 yum install had
36 yum remove hated
37 yum status httpd
38 chmod
39 chown
40 chgrp
41 tar
42 zip
43 gunzip
44 touch .
45 mkdir.
46 chkconfig httpd on
47 chkconfig httpd off
48 sort
49 which
50 whoami
51 grep
52 wget
53 tree
ls -----------------------> list
ls -a --------------------> list all
mkdir --------------------> Make a directory
pwd ----------------------> print working directory
directory ----------------> folder
Administrator ------------> root user
/ ----------------------> root
software -----------------> package
rmdir -----------------> remove directory
rm-rf -------------------> remove file and directory
=========================== By default directories ====================
root ---------------------> admin/root user can work in this directory
home ---------------------> Others can use this directory
etc ----------------------> config file store
boot ---------------------> All bootable files are here
user ---------------------> all software installed into this directory
bin ----------------------> all commands contained in this directory
pwd ----------------------> how to check where we are
cat ----------------------> how to check data into file and directory
cat/touch/vi/vim/nano ----> how to create a file
mkdir --------------------> How to create a directory
touch .file1 -------------> How to create a hidden file
mkdir .dir1 --------------> How to create a hidden directory
ls -a --------------------> how to find hidden file or directory
mkdir -p -----------------> How to create a directory into the directory
history ------------------> how to check command history
ls -l --------------------> how to check all details of file and folder
cp -----------------------> how to copy
mv -----------------------> How to move the file to the directory
--------------------------how to create files---------------------
1. cat ------------------> we can create, add info ,copy, merge but cant edit by this command
2. touch -----------------> we can create, edit,add,copy, move
3. vi -------------------> we can edit files
4. nano ------------------> editor
httpd ---------------> bydefault apache server
yum ================= bydefault insttaled into lenux .. it can remove install update any packgae
yum install httpd === install apache server
yum remove httpd ==== remove apachec server
yum update httpd ==== update apache server
service httpd start = how to active package
service httpd stop == how to stop package
service httpd status = how to check package
chkconfig httpd on == how automaticlly active package
chkconfig httpd off = stop
which =============== how to find package
grep ================ find word
whoami ============= who am i it show root or regular user
sort ================ how to sort alphabetically data from file
etc ================= where contain all config files
cat/etc/os-release == how to find OS version
mkdir -p ============ How to make directory into directory
tree ----------------> how to find tree formate directory
hostname -i ---------> how to find only ip adress
hostname ------------> how to find more ip details
ifconfig ------------>how to find all ip detaisl
Absulut path --------> start with / . when we know exact path of folder or directory
- yum install git -y --> it gave permistion yes automatically