Linkroll: News, Articles, Documents, Studies and more about Regeneration and Regenerative Agroforestry by recelio
Photo: Ursula "Uzzy" Arztmann

Linkroll: News, Articles, Documents, Studies and more about Regeneration and Regenerative Agroforestry by recelio

In this Linkroll you find a collection of research sources, articles, news and more about the topics that we are interested in, such as Regeneration, Regenerative Agriculture, Regenerative Agroforestry, Biodiversity, Resilience, Syntropic Agriculture, Regenerative Bio-Regions, Re-Localization, everything around our work at recelio and more.

Make sure to follow our personal hashtag #recelioRegeneration to get our newest posts.

The list is ordered by date, most recent links on top.


[GERMAN INFO] Gesunde Pflanzen, bessere Ertr?ge: Gemeinsam mit Insekten arbeiten statt Sch?dlinge zu bek?mpfen - mit Expertin Ursula "Uzzy" Arztmann

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[GERMAN INFO] Syntropische Agroforstwirtschaft, einfach und verst?ndlich erkl?rt - mit Expertin Ursula "Uzzy" Arztmann

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