Linking research to the practice of education

Linking research to the practice of education

The new, free edition of our research-based newsletter is out today. We have some wonderful, practical articles for educators of young children, through the school years and on to adult education. Our topics are diverse, including trauma-informed practice, adult Indigenous literacy and teacher workloads.

1.Three steps to teaching disciplinary literacies (p. 2-4)

2. Creating a “Golden Thread” Between Theory and

Practice: The Value of Exploring a Comprehensive

Conceptual Framework (p. 4-5)

3. The spiral curriculum revisited (p. 6-7)

4. Teacher well-being: Demystifying the burden of

teacher workloads and problematising the role of

school culture (p. 8-9)

5. Birdie’s Tree research-based free resources about

natural disasters (p. 10)

6. Book review: ‘The body keeps the score: Mind, brain

and body in the transformation of trauma’ (p. 11)

7. Adult literacy campaigns bring significant benefits in

First Nations communities (p. 12)

#school #schoolteachers #adulteducation #adultliteracy #earlychildhoodeducation #earlychildhoodeducators #traumainformed #professionaldevelopment #professionallearning #indigenouseducation #une #mannanstitute #education #educators #schoolculture #teacherburnout


