LinkedIn's Reach is Broken (2024 Testing In Action)
Mario Peshev
B2B Advisor | CEO of DevriX and Growth Shuttle | Managing $1.65 Billion in Annual Revenue | "MBA Disrupted" Author (Bestseller). Angel Investor (18x)
If you've found this article through social shares & mentions here or on Twitter or other social directories like reddit, I'll preface this with the following:
I've been a LinkedIn supporter for over a decade, and I want the network to work again.
Seriously though, I joined 16 years ago and have been a pretty heavy user way before it was cool:
So, while most users would vent once and just leave a platform or site for good (there's plenty of fish in the sea), I'll keep trying.
The Delicate Balance of User Engagement
That social (and digital) exodus is more common than not.
Bottom line, small mistakes adding up lead to people bouncing to the next TikTok or another new kid on the block ready to provide better value and higher engagement.
Algorithm Changes and Transitions (2016 - today)
As a power user with over a decade of content production here, I wouldn't call myself an expert or a veteran, but I'm fairly acquainted with:
And as an entrepreneur with an engineering degree, I rely on data patterns and trends when deciding to pivot. I also use additional tools to help measure data at scale (and compare with other platforms I'm active on).
So while algorithm changes kick in all the time and ruin our scheduling or content planning for good or bad, that tends to be a transition to a new type of format - long-form vs. short-form, selfies or stories (yes, LinkedIn had stories briefly), video or documents, more live events, more commenting - similarly to other social networks.
What I have NOT dealt with is such a heavy shift of reaching direct connections vs. the rest of the community.
Mind you, LinkedIn is boasting about 750 million users worldwide . With the current limit of 30,000 connections, stressing on contact reach vs. community is alarming - but that's not what I'm talking about here.
The 2024 Reach Is Broken
After dealing with a Q4 slowdown on LinkedIn (partially due to being swamped with Black Friday to Christmas campaigns and end-of-year contracts and deals), I dove deeper into the reach dynamics and discovered troublesome discrepancies.
And even if the stats are wrong or the algorithm now favors a different content style, my professional peers suddenly stopped seeing my content.
We've been discussing decks and walkthroughs and articles and more over the past few years on business calls, partnership meetups, and masterminds - and out of nowhere, my content disappeared out of their feeds.
While I would assume it's been shadow-banned, I discovered that others in Bulgaria face similar challenges:
Others reached out directly and complained about feed visibility outside of the area.
I jumped in and looked into my general analytics - LinkedIn, Shield, and recently Taplio - and the results haven't been favorable at all.
The Reach Is Localized! ????
Here's what my subsequent discovery looked like (shared in a second post ):
Now about half of my content views come from Bulgaria while 20% of my contacts are in the US and another 20-25% are in Europe. Asia, South America, and other regions like Canada are adding up quickly as my network has been predominantly international for the past decade or so.
I made a few tests to verify that and it checks out across every single post. If I publish at 10pm or 11pm local time, I'll get a hundred views until the next day even though 5000 US and Canada contacts of mine and another 190 million LinkedIn users are awake and browsing.
Why Localized Reach is Not Universal?
Under normal circumstances - let's think of Facebook - localized reach may be okay more often than not. Why?
What makes this a dumb idea implemented in LinkedIn terms?
LinkedIn , Lift the Berlin Wall
In a world of globalization and with wars threatening our existence...
As Germany lifted the Berlin Wall in 1989 to unite Eastern and Western Germany, limiting the reach is the least sensible thing for a business professional network.
Many tens of millions of international students, full-time workers, solopreneurs follow the lessons of international industry influencers like Alex Hormozi, Gary Vee, Grant Cardone, Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, Dave Ramsey, Steven Bartlett, Brendon Burchard, Simon Sinek on networks like YouTube, Instagram or TikTok not limiting reach.
Experts thrive in different hubs but act globally - from the Bay Area in tech to the spreadout across cheaper states for tax reasons, to digital nomads, trade in Hong Kong or China, art, fashion, cooking in France or Italy, and so many reasons to travel or live somewhere and lean your contacts in a given direction.
My LinkedIn Transformation Experiments Now
Unless I hear otherwise from LinkedIn or the algorithm magically gets itself fixed, I'll take specific actions to try to balance the system and reach out.
First, starting with the Why?
What my network tends to represent locally is:
And while I have nothing against my local network WHATSOEVER, it appears that LinkedIn leans in on local contact ratio heavily.
To mitigate this, here's what I'm testing at the moment:
I will keep iterating on these for the next few weeks and measure again.
But in the meantime, if anyone can escalate that to LinkedIn for a more sensible solution, that would be the best path forward.
Because once again, LinkedIn is not Facebook in a good way, and we better maintain and improve the B2B community here.
CEO at IMG Connect
3 周??
AI Strategist | Helping Businesses Leverage AI for Growth and Innovation
2 个月I came across your article while searching for a reason that my posts reaches only 15% of my networks. My network is mainly in Stockholm so geographical I don’t have the problem you have. But as I googled the subject I found that even if I wrote valuable articles or shared interesting materials, LinkedIn will not spread what I post as long as the post doesn’t have comments. Unfortunately the only thing I can do is keep posting and hoping someday people will comment more on my posts.
One *very* practical marketer | Growth advisor | PLG SaaS
3 个月I think the issues with LinkedIn are multilayered and I'm concerned at the lack of technical knowledge of the folks I spoke with through the support chat. My case may as well be connected to regionality because I have very few connections in my country. I'm trying to learn why my latest LinkedIn post has abnormally low unique view counts, so low that it's likely not displaying for anyone in their feed. (Unique views are accounted for: none of them saw me on their feeds.) For 20 minutes, the support person threw the 'it might just not be relevant' without being able to tell me if it's even shown in feeds, and then the connection mysteriously dropped. ??
360-Degree AI-Powered Strategy Redefined.
3 个月They just want more money after MIcrosoft took over the ownership..