LinkedIn's For Grown-Ups, Not Adolescents
Brian Sipotz, owner & entrepreneur Advantage Strength & Conditioning, Ann Arbor, MI; photo credit: C. T. Young

LinkedIn's For Grown-Ups, Not Adolescents

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"Oh, and, hey LinkedIn's for grown-ups, not adolescents, so if you post ugly stuff, which is rare, people ignore you. It's just a group of people who network and post stories of success.”

That's what I told** a young South Carolina college student I met last year on the Washington, DC metro.

Seeking a summer internship as a sports agent and heading to a job event, I told him to network on LinkedIn, develop social contacts and gave him my top-top notch NFL contacts.

It's advice I give to any young person seeking a job - build a network.

I say: "Start with writing a LinkedIn profile; it's a kind of virtual business card and mini resume."

One 30-40 something bio-tech start-up entreprenuer asked me to write her promotions and PR; when I looked on her LinkedIn there were several articles she liked which had 0% to do with her product or company branding, and I pointed this out to her.

Be wise and be yourself and honestly ask and answer 2 questions:

Is LinkedIn your professional platform that pitches you and sells your skills and brand?

Or, Is LinkedIn your personal, social and "activist," platform?

LinkedIn is a great place to meet people with like-minded business and social interests, especially if one is young without a depth of work history.

I've also told each young person to join a church or religious group, based on the tradition in which they were raised, whether they believe in God, or the religious practice, or not.

"Be honest with the pastor, minister, priest, imam, rabbi and explain, 'I'm here for community, the network.'"

A devout Catholic I do hope the gospel, the Torah, the scripture, the Koran – the community - moves their heart and mind, directs their life, forms their character, develops their work ethic. 

I joked with him, as I have with others, that Christianity is the ultimate networking religion - "I'm only going to Heaven 'cause I know a guy."

LinkedIn is 1 vast network of people who want to hear authentic stories of success in a myriad of fields - and how people got that success.

When people gripe or grime another's reputation it's time to move away from the virtual LinkedIn water cooler break room, give a polite "ahem," and walk away.

Got a gripe? Fix it. Hope to complain of a person's character? Speak directly to them.

I explain to young job seekers that that is not only the LinkedIn esprit de corps, but also the time-honored great American way.

Despite today's media hype: ,Americans steadfastly practice their work ethos:

work hard

give credit where it’s due

celebrate others’ success

give “attagirls”and “attaboys” to problem solvers, fix-it and do it yourself guys and gals

urge people who are down to get back up and try, try, try again

remind other that to succeed 100% -- failure is the only option

LinkedIn's professional community and its members whether famous and older or young and unknown reflect this ethos in abundance every day of the week and twice on Sunday. 

Above all, its members bring an adult perspective to work, job searching, career flourishing and networking – and eschew adolescent-like comments that are mean, un-helpful or harsh. 

Keep up the good work, LinkedIn members – both on-line here in the community and at your small business, corporation, and entrepreneurial endeavors. 


**And I said, "Next time wear better shoes, even if you have to borrow them because they make a better impression and you only get 1 chance to make a 1st impression!" and "Wear a an outer coat because it's more formal, you might get an outdoor invite to a restaurant and he can check the coat.

Alas, that was pre-Wuhan Covid 19 time and while time's have changed, it is essential to dress for success, the weather, and opportunities as they present themselves.


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