LinkedIn is where it all started...
Prologue: The mission of The Underground Agency at NKU Haile College of Business is to create experiences that help people to bring to light their potential, build their confidence, and get them started on pursuing and fulfilling their own path. All within college classrooms. The interviews with our former employees aka students are just one way to reflect upon whether or not we are living our mission. Today, we sat down with Shantell Powell from Ipsos North America who left us back in 2020 - the year she graduated into COVID-19 pandemic and from Northern Kentucky University with Bachelor Degree in Public Relations and Informatics. So, sit back, and enjoy learning about how Shantell made it from Public Relations major to Community Research Manager at Ipsos North America - the 3rd largest research agency in the United States.
David: How are you, Shantell?
Shantell: I’m doing quite well! I have been navigating post-grad life with traveling, new experiences, growing, and well a lot of working! I have traveled to more than 5 countries in the past two years and everytime is such a great new adventure! I also have done it alongside another rookie that I met in your class, who has now been my boyfriend for 2 years now! Thanks for setting us up in a group together by the way :)
David: You are so welcome! I love hearing that so don't forget to say hello to Sheryar Khan! I was just recently chatting with two of my current apprentices who also started dating each other after I put them on the same team and they had to spend a lot of sleepless nights together. This is not the first time. I dare to say that experiential learning at The Underground Agency comes with some really interesting side-effects. Speaking of side-effects, the one I care about the most is related to preparing people for their post college jobs. So, how is your job?
Shantell: My job is great, it is still slightly new to me so still gaining my footing, but it has all been so enjoyable and I have learned so much already. I have been in my new position as Community Research Manager for almost four months now! There is no typical day since in this role you wear a lot of hats!
On a given day, I may be drafting a survey, writing a discussion board post, moderating on the community, coding open ends, creating a report, aligning with clients, or going through data to find the story. For those un-familiar with Community-Based Research, it is a form of research where the clients have pre-fielded candidates within any targeted group, who participate in on an ongoing online platform and are always ready to participate in studies. This form of research allows us to give clients engaged, niche candidates, and we can turn studies at a very quick rate. Respondents also enjoy being apart of the whole journey and knowing they are influencing major brands and their products!
My position is truly qualitative and quantitative research based which I am loving so far. I like how my company provides us with the tools we need to be great. Any information is accessible and learning is always encouraged. I love research because it gives me the opportunity to be creative, and curious. It is my true passion! Another great thing is I am accompanied by another student of yours, Phillip Ranly, my manager had you as his professor as well!
David: That is so cool! Not sure if you know, but Phillip was also our client. Shortly after he graduated, he started to work at Ipsos but then he decided to pursue his entrepreneurial dream and start Injoy Street Food with his brother. So, ISF was our client. Shortly after we finished the project, Philip and his brother decided that making their dream sustainable in their OTR location was not feasible so he decided to go back to Ipsos. He is awesome but I do miss their street food. It was super good! Anyway, you can actually read an interview with him here. Now let's get back to business. How did you get this job? I know you were at Directions Research for quite some time so how did you get to Ipsos?
Shantell: LinkedIn is where it all started! This position came to my knowledge from a recruiter reaching out to me on LinkedIn. I always have lots of recruiters trying to interest me in jobs (grads, make sure your LinkedIn is optimized) and this one truly stuck out to me.
The description sounded different than other research positions I had seen which excited me since I already had an interest in learning more about qualitative research. I also knew a bit about the company since it is the 3rd largest research company in the United States!
From my call with the recruiter, the interest just grew, I got through a few interviews as well as doing a case study, and presenting it. I think my past research experience, alongside my work on the case study was what got me the position.
David: I would love to learn about the case study but that is for a chat over a pint of craft beer. I am sure you already know that but we have a growing family of underground talent at Ipsos. Besides you and Phillip, Lindsay Durham, Stefanie Brown, Kenneth Korbar, Casey Fugate, Caroline Winstel, and Adam Wilde are all there with you (just to name a few). Big kudos to Karin O'Neill who has helped me built that family. Anyway, you mentioned LinkedIn as well as your past research experience as playing a pivotal role in getting that job. What two to three experiences had the greatest impact on your personal and career development and why?
Shantell: I would say that being let go due to Covid was definitely one thing that threw me for a curve ball and was instrumental in my growth. I was just about to graduate, and *thought* I had everything lined up, then it was kind of taken away. I now view it as such a blessing because it gave me time to be with myself and work on my personal development, before getting re-hired at the same firm.
Secondly, I would say that Dr. Levin helping line me up with my first Marketing Research internship definitely impacted my career path. I was a Public Relations major, so Marketing Research was something I didn’t know too much about. Dr. Levin brought me into his office one day to present me with an internship opening, and I took a chance on trying something new and it paid off. I found my love for research, and stayed with the company for almost 3 years! I probably would have never been where I am without him!
Third, The Underground Agency was instrumental in my overall happiness and success. Firstly, in my time at The Agency, I had seriously made life-long friends that have made me the happiest. I have the absolute best memories with these people that I wouldn't have met otherwise. Meeting my boyfriend there was just a plus! It had contributed to my success, because Dr. Raska is so adamant about setting yourself up for your future. Our practice with consumer research, and actually working with real brands is huge and being able to put that on your resume is great experience. I also felt like I was always one connection away from any company I was interested in as Dr. Raska has a bank of talented past students that you all feel like you can access. My direct manager to this day was one of your fellow students, and we connected about you in the interviewing process. Take this opportunity you have with The Underground Agency seriously, you will get back what you put in. Dr. Raska knows what he is talking about :)
David: Oh, you have no idea how much this means to me (thank you, thank you, thank you) but also how much this will mean to Aron Levin when he reads your words. In our line of work, our impact on people's lives is our true paycheck. I actually have a current student who is also Public Relations major and she also discovered a passion for marketing research. I might connect you with her as she might benefit from your experience. Now that we know how you got where you are, what about your future?
Shantell: I see myself going two different avenues - not sure which one will come true. I either see myself growing with an agency and eventually selling research, or myself going client side for an entertainment based company. Music and Film are two of my passions, so I would only go client side if it was something that I was very interested in.
If selling is my path, I would hope to be doing so within the next 5-7 years. I think I need to grow my research expertise a bit more, as well as my network; then I will be able to create those partnerships and grow revenue for my firm. I would love to see VP in my title inevitably!
David: Love it! I need to connect you with my colleague in film industry. Not only she is totally awesome, but she might help you figure out how to make your dreams come true. I am glad you mentioned that you still need to grow your expertise and network. Very wise. I would also say that you may enjoy sharing your dream with your friends at Ipsos because it is a company that values your personal development and they will do what they can to make you happy and thrive in your life! Speaking of thriving and being happy, we are currently working on a project for a client who is interested in deep understanding of how Generation Z and Millennials define happiness and success. For selfish reasons, what does happiness mean to you?
Shantell: As long as I have the people I love and I am healthy, I am happy. Happiness to me means that I am at peace, sure there are things I would change, but being content with being where I am is happiness. Traveling, is happiness. Hanging out with friends, is happiness. Laughing, is happiness. I try to find the happy in every day :)
David: What about success?
Shantell: To me personally, happiness and success go hand in hand, I am successful if I am happy. Success is accomplishing goals I have set for myself, or at least pushing myself and trying toward the things I want in my life. Success to me isn't fully monetary-based, but I do think having enough money to do what I want to do with no stress is a part of success. Success is excelling in everything I put my mind to!
David: I love how consistent you are. It speaks for clarity of your mind and heart. You know very well that living a fulfilling and meaningful life (and career) is all about doing what you love, continuing to learn, and surrounding yourself with the right people. Speaking of these life wisdom, any advice for our current employees (students) at The Underground Agency (although I think I know what you will say)?
Shantell: I would say start building out your network now! That will be something you can leverage throughout your entire career. I love knowing people personally at companies that I may be interested in, and it will seriously help down the road in your career. Also, keeping in the know of your industries groups, events, and associations is helpful! I know personally for research the Insights Association, as well as Women in Research are two great groups you can be apart of. I recently got a mentor through Women In Research, and it has been lovely learning from her. You can start building out your network now by reaching out to David Raska’s past students, we are all here to help! After all, look at our Ipsos North America family of underground talent!
Secondly, I would say do as many internships as you can possibly do now. I ended up doing three, at different places, with completely different positions, and I think that experience is invaluable. You will find out what you like to do/do not like to do very quickly. Since internships are usually timed, if you hate it, now you know what you don't want, and you can pursue something else. If you love it, you already have a shoe in with the company. Do not take this time you have with the least amount of commitment for granted. Learn and try out as much as you possibly can!
David: That is a great advice! I knew you would talk about networking. And you are SO right about internships. Even though we pride ourselves at The Agency for being able to offer internship-like experience built around client projects, it is just one and very unique experience that can't turn into a full-time job because we exist only within college classrooms and "employ" our students just for one semester. The real internships allow people truly discover what you so wonderfully said. Thank you, Shantell, for a very genuine and caring interview. You are a wonderful human being and I want you to know that I will always be here for you (and Sheryar) whenever you need me. And I dare to say that the same applies to my dear friend, Aron Levin. Should we have an Ipsos reunion at Darkness Brewing?
Epilogue: The time I spent with Shantell to craft this interview can be described in one word: Grateful. Grateful she is happy and travels. Grateful she is with Sheryar Khan who travels with her. Grateful she works alongside Phillip Ranly. Grateful she is surrounded by fellow underground friends Lindsay Durham, Stefanie Brown, Kenneth Korbar, Casey Fugate, Caroline Winstel, and Adam Wilde. Grateful she continues caring for the people within and beyond The Underground Agency at NKU Haile College of Business at Northern Kentucky University. And for all those who made it this far, if Ipsos North America looks interesting to you, check their open positions on LinkedIn. And if you have more questions about life there, you know whom to connect with.
Northern Kentucky University Alum | Passionate about Learning, Connecting, and Growing
1 年Awesome interview Shantell Powell! Tons of great insight to bring with me as I approach my last two remaining semesters of academic career. Your drive for growth fueled by curiosity is inspiring, especially to someone to like me who often resides in the realm of "curiosity killed the cat" (lol). I will say, David Raska has made sure to keep me out of that realm since onboarding TUA! Also, I thought I recognized Sheryar Khan in some of the pictures during this course. Great guy!
Bachelor in Marketing (Minor in Business)
1 年This was an amazing interview Shantell Powell! I related a lot to your growth career of thinking everything was lined up and then unexpected things end up putting us on the right path, thanks to the agency I fell in love with market research and It excites me that NKU faculty was able to help you get your first internship!
New Home Sales Counselor at Fischer Homes
1 年Super informative interview! It was interesting to hear that you attained your career through LinkedIn, because I think it gets underrated for how important it actually is to building your career. I also appreciated your recommendations in groups to become apart of, it never hurts to grow your network so I will definitely look into those!
Customer Relationship Advocate
1 年Great interview David Raska! Shantell Powell, I think it's very interesting that you got your job at IPSOS through LinkedIn. I have always been told to keep my profile up to date, but I just assumed that was for companies to get a better understanding of their possible candidates. I never knew recruiters would reach out to you through the platform. Now I will be sure to be active and keep my profile updated in case any recruiters stumble upon my page.
Student at Northern Kentucky University - Marketing - Expected Graduation May 2024
1 年This was a great interview David Raska! Shantell Powell, it was really amazing to hear about how you were able to form long-term relationships with people you met at The Underground Agency. After having experienced what The Agency has to offer, I also feel a stronger connection to those I befriended in the class. Hearing how you were starting up your career around the start of COVID really resonated with me as well. I was just starting college when COVID hit, but it was a new phase in my life and the pandemic did nothing to make it easier. In a certain way, I feel as if my experience with The Underground Agency has remedied some of the negative effects caused by COVID because I have been fortunate enough to meet many new people who I can now call my friends!