LinkedIn, What's the Point?
Tim Stevenson
Every business, no matter how large or small, can benefit from streamlining boring, repetitive, time consuming processes with the use of secure, accurate technology. Call me and I’ll show you how. It’s what I do best.
I have been trying to work out exactly what the correct usage of LinkedIn is. I know that its not Facebook and soppy little stories and photos don't really fit.
It is a business network for business people, Yes I get that, but then what do these business people do with this business network? Blatant advertising is frowned upon and sending speculative inbox messages is a no no.
I see the opportunity to endorse fellow business people but how can I endorse them or they endorse me if we know nothing about each other except for the stuff we write about ourselves. Its a strange concept I know but maybe it would work if a large number of enthusiastic and energetic business people were to try to find out a little bit about each other and then maybe even use the opportunity for both parties to help each other generate a little bit more business, very revolutionary idea I know but perhaps one worth trying.
With this in mind I am making myself available to be bombarded by information from each and every one of my 1000s of followers who would like to tell me a bit about themselves and their businesses. Maybe we can all help each other make more money .