#LinkedIn, what has become of you? - fix it now or it's time to say goodbye...
LinkedIn is a business platform to connect with great people, right? And these 3 guys from the pic above are smart, but 2 of them did a great job for social media 18 years ago and 1 of them made a great turnaround of Microsoft, and now? Did you become lazy or just horny for even more profit during the last 2 years? Has Microsoft to try to get the money back they invested in the acquisition of LinkedIn via stupid ads and content?
What is the status-quo of LinkedIn?
"It has become a 2nd Facebook-Gram and company advertising platform and this really, really, (sorry guys) SUCKS!"
Maybe it would be an idea to have a paid account, where I just see relevant info, that really matters, no boring old school info and I am sure AI could do this if we just let AI do. So, I want to go deeper into the topic, because some would think, I do not know how to handle my #LinkedIn account and therefore I see so much bullshit every day, maybe you can help me if I have missed something.
- I wanted to see content that matters, no #mimimi content, some late birds just discovering now, but which is from 2012, can I filter this or can AI please let me see only the relevant content I really like? How to manage the feed easily with more than 17 k followers and more than 20 k contacts? At the moment I have to scrawl through 90% irrelevant things and then in between, I find 10% content, that is really interesting. So I have to make a selection like if I do market research for my clients. Normally AI should do this for me, but AI is now in kindergarten and not well educated at the moment, that's the problem. And it's also the problem, that we all became journalists in social media, whether we are a butcher, a teenager, a real journalist or academic and this boomerang comes now back to us via stupid content, housewife video stories on LinkedIn and fake news. It was a good time when it was more common to think first and then to speak because there was no need to select so much stupidity. I want #LinkedIn to become a good selected platform without #mimimi content, but also without governmental influence or brainwashing political correct things you should or shouldn't say. Maybe show the non-premium all this stupid advertising from employer branding and companies, but if you are smart and social, you kill all stupid content and change your business model, because it should be a human right to see intelligent content on social media platforms, instead of stupid ads like in a TV shop channel.
- How to manage interesting contacts, besides your maybe 100 contacts you deal with in daily business? Yes, I use CRM too and at the moment I put all interesting contacts there, that matter, but I am sure there are many interesting contacts I have in my network I do not think of, because they could be better grouped or showed AI supported. Yes, I know I can search through my contacts via region, job or company, etc pp, but this is not what I want to do all the time, so I think there could be better options to visualize contacts, profiles than by this old-school database way...
- I would like to turn off all ads and generic content produced by companies who just discover new work in 2019 and think it's innovative and smart to show the Funky Office, the Kicker, and the Playground or new Macs. This and other things are so boring. Where were your postings 10 years before, when it was new and relevant? Yes, I know this might be another problem, that companies are slow like a Titanic and smart startups fast speedboats, but why to show off with old school, generic things, that does not matter? I think the new social media strategy of many corporates for the next 5 years plan is to show as many team pictures as possible, as many high-fives and selfies from conferences or inspiring Kanban-Boards and the crowd is copying this kind of behavior again and again, like an addict, and I believe they do not care and understand, how stupid this is. It's a teenager behavior which is the new social media trend of companies now with big budgets to produce more irrelevant content. More and more people here are getting bored too and sooner or later #LinkedIn will be the next media for the 65+ generation, same as facebook for some years now. As a global company, you should show humans the right way, but you jumped on the same profit generating train as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter did before... - yes, we are trapped and sometimes even by our own faults, but also by the stupid content we have to suffer here, but it was founded as a business platform in early 2003, right?
On the other side, these 3 points are a chance to be creative again and disconnect from here or find a solution on how to handle your contacts that matter. In daily business, I use this here as a contact pool and after personal contact, these contacts get part of my CRM and paper address book.
Maybe #LinkedIn will be in some years just interesting for new bees without any contacts and if you get older and your network bigger, you can disconnect and switch to your own blog and website only. Business and networks exist for more than 2.000 years, yes, even before #socialmedia and #linkedin :-p and I imagine the times in the late 90ties when headhunters were a bit like the mystic-holy-grail-keepers with their own databases and networks before social media came up and I liked this time and also the slip box with your contacts in a mad men style, ;-) where also no one asked for GDPR. :-p
Greetings from Vienna and enjoy your weekend!
Picture Source: https://fortune.com/2016/12/23/microsoft-linkedin-wish-list/