LinkedIn Tips

LinkedIn Tips

LinkedIn is underrated. The value of having a business-centric social media platform with user-friendly features is huge for an entrepreneur. I like the organic reach of my content. Unlike other social media platforms *coughfacebookcough* whose algorithms not only tend to rely heavily on others' reactions but also cripples content visibility, LinkedIn allows content to be seen by followers at a much higher percentage. When it comes to generating sales leads and business exposure, LinkedIn is my go-to preference.

Like other social media options, followers are a big deal on LinkedIn as well. Attaining upwards of 10,000 followers is completely doable! Here are some strategies I've used that may help you reach that goal:

1. Post Daily Quotes: I've found that people love quotes! Quotes are a simple, motivational way to keep your posts regular and your name out there. I use an app that is simply a library of searchable quotes.

2. Post Short Videos: To increase my visibility (literally), I post regular videos. Thi allows my followers to see me, get to know me, and put a face with my name and business. You can't go wrong with putting yourself out there!

3. Post Articles: Take advantage of this unique LinkedIn feature by spreading more in-depth information about your business ideology, business process, opinions, and goals. Posting articles is also an excellent way to build influence and credibility, share resources, and make yourself recognizable in your field.

4. Limit Sales Content: Now, I realize that sales are important, but limiting "salesy" posts will serve you well in the long run. My goal is to post roughly 20% or less about our products and services. The goal is to provoke interest, not irritation.

If I can be a help in directing you in how to make LinkedIn work best for you and your company, follow me on LinkedIn and get in touch.

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