LinkedIn Tip # 153 – How do I Build My LinkedIn Network and Benefit from it?
Christine Till
Launch an Online Business & Learn How To Make 30K in 90 days! Create an Automated online business, with 3 impactful pieces of content. Master daily pay skills, and enjoy done-for-you ads. Work 2 hours a day! ?????
LinkedIn is so much more than just building your network to grow your numbers. It is all about building the relationships that you both need and want for business.
A person does not need to have 10,000 connections on LinkedIn to build these business relationships. Of course it helps to have more people in order to draw from their expertise, but if you are wanting to get customers and clients, you can do it with less than 5,000 connections. It all depends on the kinds of relationships you build with those connections.
There are Three Key Things you need to be doing every day.
1. Check your LinkedIn daily – Notifications, Messages, Whose Viewed Your Profile, Network and Home feed.
2. Respond to people in these areas and message them directly. Express interest in what they have posted and be honest with them as to why their profile caught your eye. Remember that it is all about them, not about you. They will be drawn to you because you were interested in them first.
3. Respond when people request a connection, to welcome them into your network. Greet them on a birthday or a job anniversary. (You can turn these off, but personally, I feel that it is part of our humanness to be current).
One of the things I teach is the “Rule of 10 Posts”.
The “Rule of 10 Posts” means that for every 10 posts you send on LinkedIn, six are reposts…things that other people have written, quotes, YouTube talks or performances that you feel your professional network would enjoy, and sharing some posts from some of your noteworthy connections.
Three out of the 10 posts are articles or blogs you have written yourself.
One of the 10 posts is a pitch inviting people to your webinar or workshop or a coffee chat. It is all about bringing your people to a face-to-face of some sort. Because that is where real business gets done.
Are you on your LinkedIn every day?
Are you responding to people every day?
Are you posting and sharing every day?
Are you getting the tractions/business you desire?
If not, then you are not doing everything on this list every day.
If you really want to make your LinkedIn work for you and actually get customers, you need to work it hard.
You need to be spending at least an hour a day just on LinkedIn.
Remember that if LinkedIn is not working for you, you are not working it hard enough.
You need to have at least 3-5 posts a day running through your LinkedIn feed.
Oh! You don’t have time to be posting this much. Ah-ha! Then you need to investigate using an auto-posting platform where you can post, edit and respond directly to/on all your social media from one location.
Watch for my next blog on auto-posting.
Got a question? Ask and I will answer it in my next blog post.
Make it a great day!
Christine Till