LinkedIN ?things“ that are free for you, but (can be extremely) valuable to others
Branko Skipina
Can help with: HR | Company Culture | Coaching | Mentoring | NLP | Brainstorming | Negotiating | Moderating Events | Mediation | Job Interviews | #BrankoS #ReadXCoach #KafaiKnjiga #ChiefHarmonyOfficer #HarmonyCultivator
Unfortunately, we (still) live in the world/jungle, where only survival matters. Most of the people focus on their needs. That is perfectly fine, it is normal. That is the world of work and business.
That is the life.
But often, we tend to forget (or maybe simple we ignore) other’s needs.
“I don’t have time to help others” ; “My words won’t matter to them” ; “No one helped me” ; “I need to keep on my LinkedIN page only important posts/shares” ; “I will do it later” ; “My actions will not contribute to their benefit”, “I am tired right now”, “I have no idea who this person is”…
Many of you have these thoughts quite often, be honest with yourself.
“I am in no position of power to help them. I am just a small fish in this big pond of business world, full of sharks”
If one thing is certain in life, that is uncertainty.
You can never truly grasp the potential and outcome of your (re)actions.
You can never know if your small act of kindness can change someone’s life for the better.
“I am not competent” ; “I am in no managerial position”, “I do not have right contacts” ; “I do not have many contacts”…
“You are in position of power. Everyone is. Maybe looks from your perspective like a small power, but to others it can be of huge value”
How is all of this related to LindkedIN? Maybe like this:
- Someone posted about desperately looking for job/internship – Like their post, support/encourage them AND share that on your page. If you cannot do more, let the Universe (or in this case, LinkedIN engine) do the rest. It is enough if only ONE person sees your post, that ONE person might be looking for a new employee/intern. World is huge and unpredictable.
- You get paid for giving advice/tips/whatnot – Offer something for free. It can be even of a smaller value, but it is still valuable to someone. How to modify their CV/LinkedIN page, whom to ask about something, what webpage can help them. You can connect people as well.
- Brainstorm with others: share your experiences, opinions about something, suggestions, solutions. And be READY for a feedback. Both positive and negative. And do not let your ego get in the way, leave it in the office bathroom. Do not delete your post just like that because you didn’t like the comments of others. Do not get emotional. You are in the world of business, keep your emotions in check. Look for deeper meaning behind the words. Learn to say “Thank you for your opinion”. (I could write more about this some other time)
- “Man, that colleague really “kills” with communication and business strategy” – Great! Endorse those skills if you really mean like that.
- “My boss/colleague in previous company was awesome person/excellent worker, I really wish him all the best” – Give him/her recommendation if you really mean like that.
The list can go on, but this should be a good start (LinkedIN experts know more tips).
But, here are some things that might be worth considering:
- You cannot help everyone, so share other’s posts when you are really able (if you share 20 posts on your page how others are looking for a job, it might actually raise the question do you actually do your own job)
- It is fine to endorse other person’s skills, but no need to immediately endorse all 25 of them (be moderate)
- No need to give recommendation to all employees in your previous company (unless you worked in perfect work environment…but then again, why would you leave that environment?)
- Do not be a suck up (sycophant, toady) – constantly writing to someone (especially successful person) how everything they do is wonderful, awesome, how they are the best, etc… It is fine to compliment and admire someone, but do not sound like a desperate person. Have a dignity (not to be confused with pride).
- Do not be a grumpy hatter/always-right/brawler – You are not the smartest person in this world. If you were, you would sit at the top of it. It is perfectly fine to show your opinion and defend it. You believe someone is wrong? Point that out with the ARGUMENTS. You are on business network. If you have to “attack” someone, try attacking them on rational level with facts, and not on emotional level, focused on the actual person. Do not humiliate other people’s opinions or decimate their posts. Have a dignity (again, not to be confused with pride).
The list can go on, but this should be a good start (again, LinkedIN experts know more tips).
Honestly, what’s in it for me, someone might ask?
Oh well, if you are not interested to these things out of kindness, altruism, because you will never forget your beginnings and difficult time or something other positive, I suppose even using for your own “dark desires” can actually benefit others. Help others so you can feed your pride, ego, sense of value, so you can boast around, whatever. To be honest, I really do not think those are the right causes. But still…
You can sometimes spare 2-5 minutes for others, right?
Or are you saying that your time management is that terrible? ??
I could be wrong about all of this, who knows.
After all, these are just my two cents. ??