Is LinkedIn A Social Media Platform?
I turned my back to him; he kept pulling my cloth; I closed my eyes, pretending I was fast asleep. I guess he knew I was not sleeping. He crawled to the other side, pulled my shirt, finding his way into my bra. I opened my eyes, with a clown look, holding his hand (you think I should call the cops? Smiles***). It was my 9month old baby, and I was trying to wean him from breastfeeding after 6months of exclusive breastfeeding.
According to child psychology researchers, when you enter the room as a mother, your baby can smell you amidst other mothers. So why are you on LinkedIn and customers are not locating you? Talent Hunters are not reaching out to poach you? Collaborators are not coming for you? What happened?
I may not know all the reasons, but part of it will be that you don't know why you are here. You just create a one-star profile and disappear. You keep bothering people in their inbox with what you can do instead of showing what you can do and what you are doing on your wall. Either as a fresh graduate or a small business owner, you need to understand why you are here and what the mission and vision of the platform say so that you can maximize its usefulness.
As of today, the Mission of LinkedIn is "connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful." and their Vision is "Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce." From the mission and vision, I did not see where your private life fits into. I did not see where your wedding or naming ceremony fits in unless you are an event planner! Ouch, I'm just saying, no offense.
Now, look at the graph above; does that tell you something? Will that remind you that wise people are not on this platform to joke! Let me say it again, the number of likes and comments on pictures don't pay bills unless they are lead-generating pictures and stories. Think about finding yourself, know why you are here and how to profit from being here!
Again, I understand some people don't know what to do or how to get to that point, so I have good news for you, I started a FREE YouTube channel on how to profit with your purpose, and the beauty of it all is, I teach from finding a purpose to using your voice and marketing your voice. And is highly beneficial to the graduate students. What are you waiting for? Quickly click the link and subscribe, and don't forget to hit the notification bell so that you won't miss any video from our channel.
To conclude, know that you are at liberty to say what you want, do what you want, act the way you want on LinkedIn; the truth is, people are either watching you or they are recording you. Either way, it's for a purpose. You remember my story at the beginning of this article. You are like that mother; the baby is your potential client, customer, employer, or collaborator. If you want to attract them, treat LinkedIn like what their Mission and Vision say. Go to other platforms and do every other thing that is 100% social about your personal life.
All right, talk to you later!!!
Oh, wait! Before I go, I am not everywhere. I just care about you! Family life is very key to the fulfillment of your purpose. So my career tilt towards helping families. Check out our family life channel, and you will be blessed. I promise you, it is FREE, especially "the moment of Growth and Transformation...You won't regret that you subscribe. Remember, we are not here to joke!
For real, bye for now!
Oh, let me know what you think. If I am correct or not, I stand to be corrected.