Linkedin Sales Navigator?is a prospecting/monitoring tool in LinkedIn Premium. It provides different?search filters?that allow?sales teams?to find the right prospects.?But do you need it to generate leads and is it the right tool for you at the moment?

Here are some insights that may help you in making a decision on Sales Navigator.?

Sales Navigator has some extra features to build & access your audience.

You can:

?? Use the Advanced Search with enhanced filters & spotlight features like finding the active users,?

?????Save your Search?& let Sales Nav notify you about the additional search results?

?????Add your leads/accounts?to your ultra-targeted lists and add notes

?????Follow-up Leads, Prospects & Clients with Sales Navigator feed alerts

???Get more data: all your profile visitors, lead & account insights, suggestions to find the hook and start the convo at the right time?

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Sounds interesting, right??

As useful as these features are,?There are a lot of things you can do on the free version.

??You don’t need Sales Nav to have a optimised LinkedIn profile or to build a personal brand or?

??You don’t need Sales Nav to find the right people and engage them with valuable conversations?

??You don’t need Sales Nav to create amazing content.?

? Ask yourself these 3 questions to begin with:

1) Are your prospects on LinkedIn & active??

2) Are you actively using LinkedIn to grow your business by connecting/conversating with prospects?

3) Are you already engaging your ideal customer via the free LinkedIn Search??

If the answer is yes and you are hitting the limits of the Freemium LinkedIn tools, you are heading towards the Premium.

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?I am a fan & active user and Sales Nav could be worth your money. But only if you have an effective way to get your target audience engaged. Otherwise, you are paying without using those extra tools to the fullest. Like having a gym membership and not using it properly.?

How about you? Did you or are you using sales Nav and what are your good/bad experiences with it??Share your insights. ??

Thanks for reading. I look forward to your response. Do you find this blog of value? Do comment, & share to spread the word. And feel free to add me to your network.




About Erendiz Ates

Trainer en mede-zaakvoerder van?AZ-Solutions, helpt bedrijven en professionals om via een doordachte LinkedIn-strategie hun zakelijke netwerk én merk te doen groeien. Gekenmerkt door zijn kwalitatieve- en persoonlijke aanpak, toont hij de kracht van LinkedIn & Social en hoe dit je dit als volwaardige tool in jouw branding & strategie kan opnemen.

Ondertussen heeft hij meer dan?250+?bedrijven en?1000+?coachees uit verschillende sectoren de nodige boost gegeven.

Erendiz Ates, LinkedIn trainer & ambassadeur BeNeLux

[email protected]?|?www.

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