What's your LinkedIn score - LinkedIn Rate Me
Dear LinkedIn,
I think one of the biggest change in today’s workplace has been a shift in how people look at jobs. People now-a-days look for 'good people' to work with as their first preference then comes the company. This trend will continue to grow in future.
Today, a lot of people in offices are tangled in one or the other problem like anxiety, stress, work life imbalance, edginess and a lot of it comes from people-based issues. People, they are the problem as well as the solution. One thing which I have realised is, no one is right or wrong, everyone has a POV which may be correct, at least it’s correct for the person concerned. In these situations, it all comes down to finding people with the right compatibility and putting them together. Once you get the compatibility right almost everyone falls in the bracket of being a 'good person'.
Companies and HR are doing their bit to set the compatibility right, but the problem is too huge and too widespread. This is where platforms like LinkedIn must step up and share the responsibility.
What if we bring an addition to a person’s profile much like the rating system in applications like Zomato or Uber, where one can give rating to a person which anyone can see. Similarly, on LinkedIn Rate Me, anyone who has worked with a person can rate the person on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being highest on parameters like:
· Likes to control
· Brings fun to workplace
· Focuses on building careers
· Gives freedom to experiment
· Believes in thinking out of the box
· Creates a comfortable working culture etc.
Now with this compatibility tool, people will be able to make better decisions e.g. one may want to work with someone who is passionate (4 – 5 stars) yet believes in work life balance (3 – 4 stars), is detail oriented (4 – 5 stars), yet allows people think out of the box (4 – 5 stars) and scores very high on integrity (5 stars). Similarly, millions of people will be able to look at a person’s ratings, match them with their own requirements and then take better calls. In fact, we can automate this process leading to much sharper results, put it as a value feature and charge. Even LinkedIn makes money on this, it’s a win-win solution.
Yes, there will be teething problems but LinkedIn Rate Me, has the potential to make a difference to the lives of millions of people both within and outside office.
Rishikar Krishna
Trend Spotter, Ideator, Driving growth through innovative ideas.