LinkedIn Profile Tips to Standout

LinkedIn Profile Tips to Standout

Searching for LinkedIn profile tips to make an impact on your account?

Social media platforms go in ebbs and flows of popularity. However, one underrated platform has grown year after year and appealed to every working man, woman and child. We’re talking about LinkedIn!

We jest about children on LinkedIn,
BUT - students (high school & university) are LinkedIn's fastest-growing segment.

No matter your age, occupation, gender, geography or number of house plants, LinkedIn can be helpful!?Here’s how:

  1. Recording your achievements (unwritten = likely to be forgotten).
  2. Networking and having the means to keep in touch.
  3. Store references via endorsements on your profile (hard to fake on LinkedIn as they come from other accounts).
  4. Acknowledging education providers & staying in touch with alumni.
  5. Appear in Google Searches (a staggering 57% of employers admit they don’t hire people they can’t find online).

Are employers seeing pictures of you shotgunning beers on Facebook or a list of your achievements on LinkedIn?

Every day, more professionals use LinkedIn as a sales tool. It’s a proven way to get in touch with decision-makers. LinkedIn gives you the ability to search and connect with people in the companies, industries and locations you want to contact.

With this in mind, you want to be able to stand out from the crowd. Here are 3 LinkedIn profile tips to be top of the list of people searched in your industry.

LinkedIn Profile Tips?????No Selfies!

We’re not all gifted photographers BUT at the very least, get a friend (or tripod) to take your LinkedIn profile picture!

Have a neat, professional headshot (from the torso up), looking directly at the camera. You want to have a picture with no/minimal background where the focus is on you.

While on the topic of profile pictures, let’s quickly touch on your background image.?Go to?Unsplash?and find a distinctive landscape image that fits your personality, industry or location. You can test out several with your profile picture to see how they look together.

If you want a clever profile & background image combo, here is a cool Canva hack:

  1. Create two blank images. One 400×400 pixels (profile picture) and the other 1584 x 396 pixels (background image).
  2. Upload your profile picture & remove the background.
  3. Upload background image from Unsplash.
  4. Upload the same background image to your profile picture.
  5. Zoom the background image only to show the bottom left section for your profile image.

It might take some trial and error uploading your profile and background images to LinkedIn and adjusting to ensure they line up. The result will be a seamless profile and background.?

Own Your Job Title

Your job title is the area that helps you rise to the top of searches and provides a golden opportunity to display what you do.

How many profiles do you find where their job title only says “CEO” or “Managing Director”? That does not explain their day-to-day.

Here’s the opportunity (others are missing):?Add keywords regarding your industry?and?what you do?(beyond a job title). You’re aware of the attention span of recruiters (you’ve got half a second to hook someone to continue reading).

The more information you can provide in a small space, the better.

LinkedIn Profile Tips??Savvy Invites

An area a lot of people fall short in targeting potential connections is using the stock standard “I’d like to add you to my professional network“.?*YAAAAAAAAAWN

That message is quite impersonal and highlights the zero effort you’ve put into making the connection (literally three clicks).

Take the time to personalise this message. Starting with?“Hey {first name}”?is the bare minimum you should be putting into your outreach.

The next 300 characters you’re allowed in that first introduction should be as creative as possible, introducing yourself and the benefits that you can offer your new connection.

The End

Using these simple techniques, you will see an improvement in vital areas of your LinkedIn profile. Put yourself in a strong position when connecting with quality people to help build your network.

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Meet Campbell, copywriter at Belgrin. When he's not at the beach or making dad jokes, you'll find him in the office creating magnetic text for our clients.



