LinkedIn Profile Optimisation - tip #1
Martin Soroka
LinkedIn Lead Gen Specialist with a passion for helping B2B businesses grow organically through LinkedIn (and at weekends a bit of a mountain biking fanatic)
There are links to the full series of the tips at the foot of this page.
(Time to complete: 10 minutes)
Most of us are interested in growing our LinkedIn networks. This can be by accepting incoming connection requests from people reaching out to you or by being proactive and sending connection requests to people who are relevant to you and who you would like to get to know.
Either way, people will often check your LinkedIn profile to assess how suitable and relevant you are to them before they add you into their LinkedIn network. It is therefore important that your LinkedIn profile gives a good first impression. There are a number areas of your LinkedIn profile that you should consider reviewing and I will be publishing a series of short articles with a few suggestions for each area, starting with your profile photo and background image.
Your profile photo & background image
Your profile photo should be a crisp and clear professional head and shoulders shot. Avoid a photo with a distracting unprofessional background, holiday/party snaps or anything too gimmicky. Don’t be tempted to use a company logo or picture of a product - people like to connect on LinkedIn with people not companies or objects, so make sure your profile shows you!
Some people like to add a red ring around their profile photo or use a black and white image with the idea this helps you to "stand out from the crowd". Personally I'm not convinced on this approach though it maybe an idea to consider.
If your account is showing the default background image of blue “connected dots” then replace it with an image in line with your sector, industry, services or products. Alternatively consider using the area as a banner for your company name possibly with contact details (though don’t go too heavily on this).
An example of a LinkedIn profile that has a lot of scope for improvement
This profile has a murky unprofessional headshot with the default background image:
An example of how a good LinkedIn profile looks
This example has a professional headshot and a company aligned background image:
Changing your profile photo - a step-by-step guide
1) Click on your name on the left side of your LinkedIn home page:
2) Click on the pen icon to the right side of the profile area:
3) Click on the pen icon next to your current profile photo:
4) Click "Change Photo":
5) You can then navigate to the folder when your replacement photo is stored and select it:
6) Once selected and uploaded you can adjust the zoom and alignment of the photo. Once you are happy, click Apply:
7) Finally click Save:
Changing your background image - a step-by-step guide
1) To amend your background image, click on your name on the left side of your LinkedIn home page:
2) Click on the pen icon to the right side of the profile area:
3) Click on the pen icon next in the background area:
4) Click "Change Photo":
5) You can then navigate to the folder when your replacement photo is stored and select it:
6) Once selected and uploaded you can adjust the zoom and alignment of the photo. Once you are happy, click Apply:
7) Finally click Save:
Provided you have the images already to hand, applying these simple changes will only take a few minutes and is time well spent as it will help encourage people to connect with you on LinkedIn.
Here are links to the full series of LinkedIn profile optimisation tips:
Tip #1: Profile and background images:
Tip #2: Headline and Summary text:
Tip #3: Personalising your LinkedIn URL
Tip #4: Updating your Experience section
Tip #5: Maintaining your Recommendations section