LinkedIn -Now Facebook with a Necktie?

LinkedIn -Now Facebook with a Necktie?

Much of what appears in LinkedIn now would not be out of place in Facebook. “Look at our great new whtzit, someone changed jobs, another got promoted, a 10- year anniversary, etc”. All fluff!

Where are all the discussions and tough questions?

Pat Cummins decides Alinta will not be the Australian Cricket team sponsor.?Cummins is a good cricketer but knows absolutely nothing about science or has any common sense. Fossil fuels currently cover 79% of Australia’s power requirements. If this was cut there would literally be blood in the streets. With around 80% of the Australian power grid taken out, society would breakdown.

That Cummins flies around the world 1st class, (has to slum it domestically as only have business class), plays under lights in front of huge crowds, even much of his kit is derived from petroleum – he has one of the largest carbon footprints of any individual Australian. It is often said elite athletes are not very bright, living in a cloistered world removed from the day-to-day reality ordinary people deal with. Cummins’ stupidity is matched by his hypocrisy.

Then we have the Australian netball team. Literally on the bones of their arse, Gina Reinhardt steps in and pays a huge amount of money to not just stop them going broke, but to cover the expenses of a national sporting team. Herr father made derogatory comments about Aboriginal many years ago (1984), so the team refused to wear her company’s logo on their uniforms. She rightly withdraws the money on offer. (Somewhere between $14 and $16 million).

Dan Andrews steps in with taxpayer money. (Though his state debt is more than NSW, Qld and Tasmania combined.)

And Chris Minns says he will bring the energy supply back into “the peoples’ hands” (Could be Stalin or Chavez talking. The results of their rule lead their countries to bankruptcy and people to tyranny).

I would ask Mr Minns to give one, just one example in all of history, where government owned lead to lower prices? – when Telstra was Telecom and a state- owned monopoly, costs and wastage were staggering. But unions ran the company and in 1973, STD cost $4 a minute.

Corporate Australia is more concerned with their ESG scores.

?All Not for Profit (NFPs), organisations are all supported by businesses. That was philanthropy. But Philanthropy has been replaced by, “look at me, look at me”, Purpose.

With strong corporate support, Australian is racing to, well attempting to race to a Net Zero position. Our Federal Government is legislating a 43% reduction in emissions on 2005 levels.

And sportspeople are boycotting team sponsors because they produce fossil fuels. Pat Cummins is a very good cricketer, but he knows fuck all about science and even less about what would happen to Australian society if all fossil fuels were excluded from power generation. (Literally, be blood in the street).

Does anyone look at what is happening in Europe with the energy crisis and think “could this happen here?” That Biden, and now our government, blame Putin. It is more than a convenient scape goat. It is a lie. ?Putin drastically cut oil flow into Western Europe. Western Europe, not anticipating this has cut back its fossil and nuclear energy generation. Europe soon discovered renewable energies were never going to power them – it was and always will be, a drop in the bucket”. All we hear is of a rosy future where Australia will be a renewable energy “superpower”, but never how – the specifics? Pie in the sky, bullshit!

Chris Bowen scoffs at nuclear energy, claiming its proponents to be “idiots” and he, with such a comprehensive scientific education, will “debate anyone on its follies”.

It seems no one has gotten the joke, the lunacy of his position, when he proposes that windmills (Don Quixote?) and mirrors will be the answer. (Very close to smoke and mirrors).

How about some facts rather than propaganda:

Mark Mills, senior fellow at Manhattan Institute has a spent a career since Regan was President studying global energy supply, lays out an argument that should be compulsory reading to better understand science over bullshit political rhetoric that is divorced from reality.

“There is much more involved than covering an area the size of Tasmania with mirrors (bloody great for the environment) and similar with wind turbines. And not just disposal of the waste when the mirrors and windmill veins have to be replaced in 20 to 25 years.

There will a huge requirement for minerals on this path to net zero.

The International Energy Agency recently reported the net-zero path would require:

-????????4,200% increase in lithium

-????????2.500 % increase in graphite

-????????1900 % increase in nickel

-????????750 % increase in rare earths.

The devastating effect mining for these metals will have is never mentioned.”

Does Chris Bowen, or any of the billionaires who stand to make a financial killing from the path to net zero, ever mention during the past 20 years the world has spent literally trillions to reduce dependency on fossil fuels for a drop from 86% to 84% fossil fuel generated energy?

Net zero by 2050? “The earth is round (sort of), the sun is the center of the universe and It ain’t gunna happen”.

The madness is everywhere – been suggested Australia should lift its contribution to combat climate change in developing nations to $3 billion by 2020 to 2025. Why don’t we just call this contribution what it really is: “Mercs for jerks”. Anyone who thinks Pacific nations are using the money stupidly put up by wealthy (relatively) nations for “climate change activities”, is a fool. Most of these island nations have had their land mass increase over the past decade. It is a wonderful rort. Of course, not all of the leaders of these nations buy Mercedes Benzes. Some buy BMWs and even a few buy Audis.

We were always headed this way – our schools have been indoctrinating students into socialism Why are primary schools putting big signs up in high visibility area telling students “This land always was and always will be Aboriginal”.

Really, so the rest of us can just fuck off?

Teachers don’t deserve a pay rise, the ones who are politicising our students, primary school children in particular, should be fired!

And the ABC, the taxpayer funded communications monolith, spews out propaganda that has been shown time and time again to be ranging from biased to plain bullshit.

And I have not read anyone question why much of corporate Australia has an ESG policy?

?Critical Race Theory is preached by many HR departments.

Shakespeare is being banned from schools because he is a “tool of imperial oppression.” (But don’t worry about oppression of free speech).

Or particularly, why do Super Funds have ESG policies? What if Coal shares were an excellent investment? Would the industry super funds (these are all union controlled) buy these shares? Of course not, but this goes directly against their charter of obtaining the best financial return for their members. A broker I know was telling me about the large dividends paid by coal companies. But HESTA wouldn’t be buying any of these shares. They should be sued, but Albanese has legislated to cover the activities of his union mates’ super funds. (Such as who they donate money to – doesn’t have to be reported now.)

What about the impending energy crisis and why? Or how about that fully replacing hydrocarbons with wind and solar technologies would require a quantity of minerals that replaces the known global reserves of these minerals.

So much for cheap electric vehicles in 2035.

In the past 20 years the world has spent trillions to reduce dependency on fossil fuels. The result? A drop from 86% to 84% of energy from fossil fuels.

?Nett zero is not a scientifically derived position, it is a wealth transfer mechanism. It is impossible to achieve and will drive the world into energy poverty.

And much credible scientific thought says it is unnecessary. We just never see it. People today are technologically literate and scientific paupers. ?

The Corporate world has already decided the so -called impending Climate Emergency cannot be called in to question. It is more concerned with having an HR department teach Critical Race Theory - a racist, scientific vacuum.

Not that long ago, Corporates were fiercely apolitical. Today, they are attempting social engineering. ESG policies, which are straight out of the Neo-Marxism playbook, are becoming mandatory. Super funds are now major players in finance. They are arguably in breach of their charter – instead of putting return on member’s funds as their primary objective, they are acting as “social police”, investing only in companies which “do good”.?(Have high ESG scores). While industry funds are union controlled, this will always be an issue.

There was a time when gender was binary and politics a spectrum. Today, politics is binary (left or right wing) and gender is a spectrum, all supported by the corporate sector.

Religious Freedom and Free Speech?

Andrew Thorburn is forced to resign essentially because of his religious beliefs. Some say it was due to a comment criticising homosexuality and abortion in a 2013 website of the church he belongs to. He stated he knew nothing about these statements, even as NAB boss sponsoring the annual Gay Pride march did not save him. Daniel Andrews jumps on the bandwagon to criticise him, though he claims to be a practicing Catholic, whose doctrine is critical of homosexuality and abortion.

Daniel Andrews should therefore also resign.?But the majority of the media is heavily biased due to Labor. Still waiting for a journalist to question Dr Jim Chalmers on his claim about the debt the Coalition government left him – “Excuse me Jim, but didn’t you want to go further into debt and extend the Covid payments?” ?And Dr Chalmers – he is not an economist, his PhD is in political science, from a BA. Economics is highly quantitative. (As a mathematician, Pure & Statistical Maths, I have seen this). This guy could attain his position with grade 10 basic Maths. He and Albanese have no economic skills. (What’s the cash rate Albo? Something he should know at the drop of a hat but has no f…ing idea. And the left- wing media supports his ignorance by calling it a not relevant “gotcha” moment.

Very disconcerting, the Liberal party has just finished their review of this year’s election disaster. It can be surmised in one word “Morrison”. If they decide to head further left, they will become irrelevant.

Socialism will end in tears and there needs to be a viable alternative,

All of this, and all major corporate social media platforms can do is a good impersonation of a gossip magazine.


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